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Mounds View City Council October 10, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting <br />Motion /Second: Hankner /Quick to approve Resolution 10. Consideration of <br />No. 2392, approving a conditional use permit request Resclution <br />for Richard Hanson to construct an oversized garage No. 2392 <br />at 8075 Sunnyside Road, Planning Case No. 249 -88, <br />and waive the reading. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />City Planner Herman reported the Environmental <br />Assessment Worksheet was received by the City last <br />Friday. She added the developer, potential owner <br />and consultant were in attendance to make a presen- <br />tation tonight. <br />Philip Seipp, President of Sysco /Continental Minne- <br />sota, explained their company is in the business of <br />food service distribution, and he reviewed their <br />operation. Products are received in during the <br />day, loaded onto the docks at night and shipped out <br />the next day. They have outgrown their present <br />facility and anticipate the proposal of 240,000 s.f. <br />would handle their needs for the next five years. <br />The plan will be designed for expansion for future <br />needs. <br />Mr. Seipp stated it is very important to them that <br />VFW the residents see this as a desirable and appropriate <br />use of land, and it be a harmonious relationship. <br />They expect to employ 300 people by the time they move <br />into the new facility, with eventual growth to 500. <br />Mr. Seipp stated they would be very willing to have <br />a public informational meeting before the public <br />hearing, to meet with the public and hear and address <br />their questions and concerns. <br />Scott Kinkade, of Ryan Construction Company, gave a <br />brief overview of the design. 209,000 s.f. would be <br />warehouse space, with 35,000 s.f. of office space. <br />The layout on the property has been planned to minimize <br />the impact on the wetland and be appealing in appearance. <br />Mr. Kinkade reviewed the lighting, signage, driveway <br />layout and material plans. He stated their goal for <br />occupancy is November 1989, which is driven by a number <br />of concerns, with one of those being the need to begin <br />grading before a hard freeze. <br />Dick Koppy, of Westwood Professional Services, Inc., <br />reviewed the storm drainage plans and preliminary <br />landscaping plans. He explained 90 percent of all <br />the water from the site will drain directly into the <br />pond they are proposing in the upland area, not the <br />existing wetland area. Mr. Koppy reviewed the <br />alternatives for providing water services to the site, <br />as well as the plans for sanitary sewer and site <br />lighting. <br />Page Six <br />Motion Carried <br />11. Receive Environ- <br />mental Assessment <br />Worksheet for <br />Sysco /Continental <br />Minnesota and <br />Authorize Submit- <br />tal to Minnesota <br />Environmental <br />Quality Review <br />Board <br />