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could well exceed the $7,000.00 difference between the <br />City's appraisal and Mr. Johnson's price. <br />Mounds View City Council October 10, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Ten <br />Mr. Frits stated he had spoken against the project <br />when it came up some months ago, and he does not <br />feel the city of Mounds View should be in the real <br />estate business. He added this road may or may not <br />occur in the future, and where the money comes from <br />now is inconsequential as it comes from the pocket <br />of the taxpayers one way or the other. He added he <br />objects strongly and feels a shotgun is being held <br />to the City's head. He suggested going ahead and <br />letting Mr. Johnson develop the property. <br />Roy Droel, 8080 Groveland Road, stated he does not like <br />the idea of an easement, as they will be buying too <br />much land. He stated there are other layouts that <br />would work better. He also stated the City does not <br />take care of easements they have now. <br />Councilmember Blanchard read a letter given her by <br />Mr. Droel, stating his position, and requested that <br />it be attached to the minutes. <br />Don Gross, 8060 Groveland Road, asked who would pay <br />for the assessment when the road is put in, if it <br />ever is. <br />Mayor Linke replied the benefited properties would <br />pay. <br />Mr. Gross pointed out that for those who do not want <br />to sell off their property, they would still have to <br />come up with the money somehow. <br />Mayor Linke stated the Council has taken the stance <br />that they will not go ahead on the road unless 100 <br />percent of the property owners are in favor of it. <br />Mr. Gross questioned why the City would even buy it <br />then, as he and Roy Droel would never agree to it, <br />and they would not have their 100 percent. He <br />suggested giving Mr. Johnson the permit to build <br />rather than p?y the price he has stated. <br />Ms. Weisman stated she would rather see the City go <br />through condemnation proceedings than give Mr. Johnson <br />more than fair market value. She added she would <br />rather give the money to an attorney to prove him wrong. <br />Attorney Karney stated he did not believe an appraisal <br />was done by Mr. Johnson. If the City were to proceed <br />mir with condemnation, the City would be required to place <br />the $38,000 with the Court up front, and the Court <br />could possibly approve the $45,000 figure, and he <br />reviewed the process to be followed. <br />