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Mr. Hurley explained they did not have an appraisal <br />done, due to the cost, and he explained how they <br />arrived at the $45,000 figure, taking the $38,000 <br />value of the front lot, and adding $7,000 for the <br />rear. He added the process has been on -going for so <br />long and he and his client would like it to be <br />resolved now. He also showed on the map the other <br />parcel Mr. Johnson owns. <br />Mounds View City Council October 10, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Eleven <br />Motion /Second: Blanchard /Hankner to deny the pur- <br />chase of 8100 Groveland Road for the price of $45,000, <br />which is $7,000 over the appraised value. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />Mayor Linke stated he was in favor of the purchase <br />but not the non negotiation process. <br />Councilmember Wuori pointed out the Council had given <br />Staff authorization to negotiate, so that would not <br />have held up Mr. Johnson. <br />Mr. Hurley stated Mr. Johnson would be willing to <br />negotiate $1,000 but no more than that. <br />Motion: Linke to table this to allow Staff time to <br />deal with Mr. Johnson on this issue. <br />The motion failed for lack of a second. Motion Failed <br />Councilmember Hankner stated it would be two weeks <br />before the next meeting if Mr. Johnson would like to <br />negotiate, otherwise the building permit can be <br />issued. <br />Motion /Second: Hankner /Blanchard to have Staff grant <br />the building permit for 8100 Groveland Road. <br />4 ayes <br />1 nay Motion Carried <br />Mayor Linke voted against the motion. <br />Councilmember Blanchard stated her reasons for denying <br />the purchase of the property were because there are <br />other alternatives, the Council should not be in the <br />speculative real estate business, tying up $45,000 of <br />the taxpayers money is wrong, and she has a gut reac- <br />tion against coersion. Her comments were made later <br />in the meeting and requested to be included with <br />the agenda item. <br />Clerk /Admintrator Pauley asked if a subdivision <br />would be required before the building permit could <br />be issued. City Planner Herman replied it is a <br />buildable lot with no subdivision required. <br />