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Mciunds View City Council October 10, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />Kathy Ayaz, 7751 Bona Road, asked that Item A be <br />removed for questions. <br />Motion /Second: Quick /Wuori to approve the consent <br />agenda, minus Item A, and waive the reading of the <br />resolutions. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />Ms. Ayaz stated she had not heard anything about any <br />type of wetland alteration permit from the Planning <br />Commission or Environmental Quality Review Board and <br />questioned why she hadn't heard anything. She added <br />she felt scheduling a public hearing was rushing things. <br />City Planner Herman explained the proposal was presented <br />to the Planning Commission at their October 5 meeting, <br />at their agenda session following adjournment of the <br />regular meeting. She noted that it was announced <br />during the regular meeting that the presentation <br />would be following, as well as it was listed on the <br />agenda. She advised the Planning Commission is in the <br />process of reviewing it and it is on their agenda for <br />their October 19 meeting. <br />Ms. Ayaz stated that would be five days prior to the <br />public hearing, which she did not feel was adequate <br />time to study the proposal. She also asked if it <br />would be going to the Environmental Quality Review <br />Board. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley stated the City does not <br />have a review board, but they do have an Environmental <br />Quality Task Force, and issues are presented to them <br />at the direction of the Council. <br />Councilmember Hankner pointed out that having a <br />public hearing is one way to gather early comments <br />from the residents and bring any questions or issues <br />forth. She added they would not have to take any <br />action at that hearing and could continue it. <br />Ms. Ayaz stated it would be hard to educate them- <br />selves in five days. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley explained the developer <br />was present and Staff has requested them to make a <br />presentation tonight of the entire project in <br />detail. <br />Sandy Krouah, 7827 Bona Road, asked if it had been <br />sent to the Environmental Quality Task Force. <br />Mayor Linke replied it had not. <br />