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Aft Councilmember Hankner explained the Task Force has only <br />IMF met on two occasions so far, both of which were organi- <br />zational meetings. She added they will be meeting <br />this Tuesday evening, but they are not geared up at <br />this point to do a substantive review. She further <br />explained the City Council and Planning Commission <br />will be reviewing it together. She also pointed out <br />that if the process is too spread out, by the time the <br />public hearing is reached, they are just hearing about <br />issues that should have surfaced earlier. <br />Mounds View City Council October 10, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />Jim Sandidge, 7817 Bona Road, reviewed what he thought <br />was the process of events, which he did not believe the <br />City was following this time. <br />City Planner Herman again explained the proposal had <br />been presented to the Planning Commission on October 5 <br />and was listed on their agenda. <br />Mr. Sandidge stated he was concerned another wetland <br />issue is being jumped into very quickly and there seems <br />to be an awful rush on this. He added they are not <br />getting information on it. <br />Councilmember Hankner noted that no matter how much time <br />is allowed, the Council is still accused of not giving <br />the public enough information or time. <br />Ms. Ayaz stated she felt the agenda for tonight was very <br />confusing as she did not see the correlation between <br />setting the public hearing and receiving the EAW. <br />Ms. Krough stated she thought the Environmental Quality <br />Task Force was set up to give expertise to the Council. <br />She stated they should have this information way in <br />advance to study. She also asked if a resident could <br />request something for the Task Force to do. She also <br />noted Barr Engineeri..i had been paid to do a study of <br />the wetland ord?__nce, in which they suggested the City <br />categorize tL wetlands, and she urged the Task Force <br />do that and make it a top priority. <br />Councilmember Hankner explained there are a set number <br />of days in which a request must be dealt with, and not <br />everyone on the Task Force has the expertise to deal <br />with this. They are working, though, to bring them up <br />to that level. <br />v... <br />City Planner Herman clarified the time limit is 120 days <br />from the time application is made with the City. <br />Councilmember Hankner explained this is a way to deal <br />with the questions now, and they need them at the <br />beginning, not at the hearing. <br />