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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular? Meeting <br />Kathy Ayaz, 7751 Bona Road, asked if the 100' <br />buffer zone indicated by the Mounds View Code was <br />included in the Corps of Engineering mitigation. <br />Mr. Peterson replied the boundary is actually beyond, <br />and the mitigation plan has been developed to offset <br />the encroachment within the buffer area also. <br />Sabri Ayaz, 7751 Bona Road, stated he felt the develop- <br />er was doing a commendable job and was not ignoring <br />both boundaries. He added, however, he feels it has <br />only one boundary, and the Army Corps of Engineers is <br />more knowledgeable than the City, and they should only <br />discuss the Corps boundary. He added they should <br />deal with the 100' setback, which is not honored in <br />this proposal. <br />a <br />Mr. Peterson stated they did not assume the 100' <br />buffer zone beyond the Corps boundary. <br />Councilmember Hankner explained for the City to <br />accept the Corps boundary line would require an ordi- <br />nance change, which would be time consuming, and there <br />is not enough time with this project. <br />Mr. Ayaz asked why they don't use the City's boundaries <br />rather than the Corps. <br />Mr. Peterson explained the only encroachment would be <br />the roadway. <br />City Planner Herman stated Staff had asked the City's <br />consultant to compare the City's requirements with <br />the Corps of Engineers. <br />Attorney Karney advised the Army Corps of Engineers <br />far exceeds the City's 100' buffer with the exception <br />of a small area, and they are responsible to the Code, <br />which would have to be changed if the boundaries were <br />moved to that of the Corps. <br />Mayor Linke noted the current Code was changed in 1983. <br />Councilmember Hankner reviewed how the City boundary <br />was established in 1983 or 1984. <br />Mr. Ayaz stated he would like a copy of all wetlands <br />in the file, as he still feels this would be encroach- <br />ing. He was presented with a map of the City's <br />wetlands. <br />Mr. Kinkaid explained the encroachment is necessary <br />due to lining up the road and the placement of Williams <br />Pipeline, and those two issues are what is driving that <br />portion into the wetland. He added if they were relieved <br />of those two constraints, they could stay entirely out of <br />the buffer. <br />