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Mounds View City Council November 14, <br />Regular Meet].ng Page Five <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley updated the Council on the <br />progress of the tax increment financing discussions. <br />He reviewed the issues that have been agreed to in <br />principle so far, as well as the two that have not <br />been agreed to yet. He explained the developer has <br />requested the tax increment bond issue pay for the <br />water and sewer availability charges, and they have <br />also proposed the City not issue the bonds immediately <br />but rather just prior to occupancy, which would be <br />in October or November of 1989, with the developer <br />proposing to front -end the costs of the public <br />improvements, and then be reimbursed at a later date. <br />Mr. Kinkaid stated that due to time constraints, <br />they need to get going before the extremely cold <br />weather, and it may be necessary to run the grading <br />operation for extended hours, perhaps 24 hours a day, <br />for up to a few weeks, and asked if special approval <br />would be required. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley explained normal hours of <br />operation are 7 AM to 8 PM, but due to their loca- <br />tion, Staff did not feel the noise would present a <br />problem, and they would recommend the Council grant <br />permission with the understanding that if complaints <br />are received from property owners in the area, it <br />would be reevaluated. <br />Motion /Second: Hankner /Quick to grant temporary <br />approval of a waiver to the City's construction <br />noise requirements, with a provision that should <br />the City start receiving excessive complaints, the <br />Council would have to reconsider at that time. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />Jim Caserlee, the attorney for the development, <br />stated this is a very complex project and he felt <br />Staff had been outstanding, and proceedings had gone <br />extremely well so far. He added a few items were <br />still being worked on for the bonds, but he felt <br />they would be resolved within the next few days. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated it has been nice to <br />have a developer come in who is willing to share <br />the City's concern about the environment. <br />Public Works Director Minetor joined the meeting <br />at 8:20 PM. <br />Public Works Director Minetor reviewed the request <br /> 410,0' <br />a€ for the placement of no parking signs on Hillview <br />Road. He recommended approval be given, with the <br />understanding that future conditions may require a <br />review of the decision. <br />11. Consideration of <br />Request for <br />Designation of <br />No Parking Zone <br />on Hillview Road <br />