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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />is located within the wetland buffer zone, which is <br />a result of the health and safety consideratons and is <br />located in a manner which has minimized its impact <br />on the wetland buffer zone. <br />Mr.Sabee sta a final issue which must be resolved <br />by the Council when considering the wetland alteration <br />permit application is whether the proposed alteration <br />will have a significant or substantial adverse effect <br />upon the ecological and hydrological characteristics <br />of the wetland- He reviewed their findings and <br />explained the net effect on the City zoned wetland <br />with this proposal is an increased wetland size and <br />diversity of habitat types. The net effect on the <br />Corps of Engineers defined wetland is a slight decrease, <br />approximately 2 percent, in wetland size, with an <br />increase in habitat diversity. <br />Mayor Linke explained they are bound as a Council to <br />look at the development in regard to Mounds View's <br />delineated wetlands, and while the Corps of Engineers <br />is slightly larger, they requested Barr to look at <br />both delineations for comparison. <br />Sabri Ayaz, 7751 Bona Road, stated he would like to <br />thank City Staff, the City Council, Corps of Engineers <br />and developer for their commitment to the preservation <br />of the wetlands, and to the developer for his sensiti- <br />vity and efforts to uphold the Ordinance and be a good <br />neighbor, and he welcomed them as a new neighbor. <br />Mayor Linke closed the public hearing and reopened <br />the regular meeting at 7:50 PM. <br />Mayor Linke closed the regular meeting and opened <br />the second public hearing at 7:50 PM. <br />City Planner Herman explained that first approval <br />is necessary to rezone the property to a PUD <br />designation. She added a design review of the <br />project will follow, and the Planning Commission <br />has made a recommendation to approve the concept <br />plan. <br />Dick Koppie, of Westwood Professional Services, <br />reviewed the site plan, explaining the proposed <br />building is now within 25' of the Williams Pipeline, <br />and they do not wish to move it any closer. <br />Mr. Koppie reviewed the proposed layout, landscap- <br />ing, access, lighting, parking, and sanitary sewer <br />and water services to the property. <br />Mayor Linke closed the public hearing and reopened <br />the regular meeting at 7:58 PM. <br />November 14, 1988 <br />Page Three <br />8. Public Hearing: <br />PUD Concept <br />Plan, SYSCO/ <br />Minnesota <br />