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~` PROCEEDINGS OF THE MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />.~~ <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />Regular Meeting <br />January 13, 2003 <br />~- Mounds View City Hall <br />2401 Highway 10, Mounds View, MN 55112 <br />7:00 P.M. <br />1. MEETING IS CALLED TO ORDER <br />2. ROLL CALL: Linke, Quick, Marty (arrived at 7:03 p.m.), Stigney, and Gunn <br />3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br />A. Monday, January 13, 2002 City Council Agenda. <br />MOTION/SECOND: Gunn/Stigney. To Approve the January 13, 2003, City Council Agenda as <br />Presented. <br />Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Motion carved. <br />4. PUBLIC INPUT <br />David Jahnke of 8428 Eastwood Road asked Council to be cautious when looking into ways to <br />change things over at the Community Center. He then said that there was talk of the YMCA <br />being able to run the Center more economically than the City would be able to and asked Council <br />to make sure all of the options are researched before making changes. <br />Mr. Jahnke said he thought the issues with the YMCA could be resolved and commented that the <br />City has not had much luck running the golf course to make money and should be cautious <br />before attempting to run the Community Center. He then asked if the City was paying $100,000 <br />this year to fund the Community Center. <br />Mayor Linke indicated there is $100,000 in the budget for the Community Center. <br />Mr. Jahnke indicated that a previous administrator had told him that the functions would pay for <br />the Community Center and he is concerned about having City employees running the Community <br />Center as it may end up costing more. <br />Mayor Linke indicated Council had requested that Staff begin to work on the issues with the <br />YMCA along with researching the costs involved in staffing the Community Center as Council <br />feels the information is necessary in order to determine how best to run the Community Center. <br />