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�_ . ,; - ' „ . , ,. <br />� � ` <br />l, <br />_ ; ; ;. <br />------------ . _..: . . . '- ;_ ,, <br />� � i M � <br />� r. ! ': <br />Dave (;riffen, 2965 �ou�iy Road H, inquired as <br />io what �he church is doir�g rtov+r �iih #heir <br />property? fi�r. Diem explainecf that the chur� <br />is currenily ren�ir�g because th�ir facility has <br />beer� soid. <br />�arb �loue�, 2897 Cour�ty Road H, agairt <br />expres�ed her �ncerns regardir�g altern�tive <br />parking and Chair F'eferson assur�d her that <br />fhese issues wilf be addressed. �A�. Cloues <br />also inquired as fo the signage fha# would be <br />on site. ihe applicant explain�d that there <br />would be an illurnir�aied cr�ss or� the buildirrg <br />ar�d a sign wo�ald show the name of fihe c�ic�rci�, <br />servic� and Sunday school fiime� at�d it would <br />be loca��d or� the building near the �n#r�nce. <br />Addiiionat snow storage issues vv�re reiterated <br />� and the applic,ani expfair�ed that snorr� storage <br />` w�ilt not be Iecated in are�s where wafer is <br />expected to drain. <br />Shelley �orden, 3a09 County Road i�, asked <br />fihe Planning Commission what "tablingn �his <br />i�errt m�ans? it�e Planning Commission <br />explained tha# there is not enough infarmation <br />to make a decisior� ai this time. <br />Pf�nning Associafied Pruitt nofed at this time <br />t�at a wetland alter�tion permifi is also needed. <br />Community Deveiopment �irector Sheldort <br />asked when the City could expec# to receive <br />the need�d items for review from fhe �pplicani. <br />Mr. Diem indicated tl�at tl�ey wo�ald be suppii�d <br />in one week and r�rill be shown ta th� Pianr�ing <br />Commission �f the next rrr�eeting. <br />i�he inforrn�tion�l meeting w�s closed �i 9:0� <br />p. m. <br />