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a <br />, <br />! f R i, f • ' <br />` ^ • - �1 <br />when fhe appiic�r�i w�nts occupancy of th� <br />�OUildir�g, the items are not complet�d, the City <br />would decid� if if wouEd allow security to be <br />posted and o�c�pancy permits to be issued, or <br />require that fhe impro��m�nt� be complet�d. <br />Right now �he City requires that the applican# <br />pui �p security before construction is started, <br />when th� u�ual pra�iic,� i� to construct priv�fie <br />improvements al�ng wi#f� constr�actian of t�e <br />b�ilding. ihere ar� o�casi�ns when <br />improvement� such �s I�r�d�capi�g can�oi be <br />cornpleted ur�til the �ext gro�uing season <br />b�cause v� v�reat�er. In ihese sifivations, <br />security could be r�quir�d for installa�ior� of th� <br />landscaping ar�d �n occup�ncy permit iss�aed. <br />For publi� impravern�nts such as sidevvalks, <br />curb �nd gutter, sireets, etc., developm�nt <br />cor�firact� and securiiy are needed and no <br />change is proposed in this requiremer�t. She <br />expressed that deve(opmeni contracts �re not <br />r�eeded f�r pr�posais such as aversized <br />garages. Resol�ation No. 470-96 t�lks aboui <br />making these minor items exempt because no <br />other improvements are invalved. It was <br />requested by the Plar�ning Commission that <br />Resoiufiio� No. 4i0�96 be ame�ded to state <br />that the Planning Commission recomm�r�d and <br />the City Council grant waiver� when such <br />contracts are not needed t� f�ifill the <br />requiremen4s of the ordin�nce, ra�her than <br />exempi ceriain �ituations. ihe Planning <br />Commission discussed fhat there are same <br />cases when the constru�tion of an aversi�ed <br />garage ir�volves removal of oiher strucfures and <br />then a developmer�t contr��t and sec�ri�y is <br />needed. <br />�otie�n/Second: Mill�r/�ra�aemle �o table the <br />c�nsider�tio� o� Resofutiora No. 47Q-96 <br />reg�rding Ordinar�ce No. 5�� �m�r�ding th� <br />deveiapmeni �ontraci I��guage of chapt�r <br />x � •�! <br />r.�� . <br />