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�o�nds �Iiew �lanning Commisston <br />Regular Mee�in� <br />likely if ihe building had a sprrYnnkler sysiem), l�%s. Sheldon <br />noted that ihe buffering as proposed is reatly less than typical, <br />and it would b� reduced if the pazkin� spaces in #hat area were <br />m�de functional. - <br />�Is. Sheldon reoted that as proposed, five of the parkin� spaces <br />aze Iess than th� ciiy's normai requirement (9` X 20'). They <br />c�arren�ly measure 9° X 18'. Th�re is also a 17 foot drive <br />aiste along the e�st side oith� property behind the firsi bay of <br />parki�g and that drive aisle is r�oi sufficier�t for cars #o back up. <br />Iv1s. �heldon noted there is room, l�owever ta move one bank <br />of p�rking over to achiev� the 23 f�et needed in order for the <br />cars ta b� able to back up. In order to brin� the parldr►g spaces <br />into compliance with the city's requiremeni, some of the buffer <br />wauid need to be r�duced. 3he sug�ested the Pla.ruv�i� Cora�rnission <br />cor�sider wheiher the numb�r of parkin� sg�ces provided is adequat� a�d <br />also the faci thai the numt�er of compaci spac�s is Iarger thar� the 10°/a <br />allowed (they currently propose sev�n spaces). <br />In regard to the requiremenis for a Condiiional Use Pernut, <br />the city must consider the cor�rpatibility between adjacent <br />uses and this �roposal, the amount of screening, anci whether or <br />not there witl be adverse aff�cts on ad}aceni residential properiies. <br />Ms. Sheldon stated stafi sees ertough dimensional problems on <br />the site that they quesiion whether a church aithe size praposed <br />fits. If the proposal were %r a srnalter church, they may be <br />able to achieve the parking requir�ments atid provide suiiicien� <br />buffering. <br />Ms. Sheldor� noted that the Commission may need <br />to detern�ine how they see the proposal relatin� to the <br />Comprehensive Plan. In regard to the zoning, she naied <br />that the neighborhood consists ma�ly of oversized lats <br />with law ir�t�rrsity artd one af the ch�racieristics of this <br />partic�alar plan is ihat it vvould be a m�ach more intensive <br />use of'the lot. Ii is staffs v�ew that it is dif�cult tio meet <br />the inient o£t�� zoning district (R-1, �ingie F'amily) wiih <br />this size facility. <br />VJith respe�t to th� Conditiorral LFs� Permit9 siaff vaot�ld <br />recomm�nd that the Plannix�g ComYnissgon recorr�mend <br />5ep�emb�r 4, 1996 <br />Page 4 <br />,'; <br />;, <br />� <br />