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l <br />i�ounds tl�ew Pi�nnin� Cornmission <br />Re�utaz Meetin� <br />�ep���b�r 4, 1996 <br />Pa�e 5 <br />to ihe City Council that ii be derued. <br />Ivls. Shetdon noted that r�he purpose of the Developrne�t <br />Iteview is to check th� plari to see iiit meets the dimensional <br />requirements of the code. T'he areas vvhere the proposal <br />fails Yo meet the requuements are as fallows: <br />1) the front setback <br />2} number of parking spaces - they have provided 30, <br />r�hey need 31 and of those i0%, or 3 spac�s, can <br />be compa�t. <br />NIs. Sheldon si�ted sta.�°feeIs thai ii is d�t�ali to accomtnodate <br />the sizes of the parking lot and the buil�ding on ths sit�, so <br />the plans have been designed wiih more compa� spaces. �here is <br />also a pz°oblein with th� iength o€the spaces. Ther� is a p�oblem <br />with the drive aisle on the north side of the 6uilding. <br />With regard io signa�e, the code does not provide much <br />guidarrc� for churches in residential d;stricts, so staff has <br />used the neigitborhood business disirict as a�taide. That <br />district allows for 100 square feei of'si�nage. The <br />current propasal shows 115 squaze feet. 5iaff would � <br />also suggest that any lighting be at a very Iow 1eve1 a�d turned off <br />at a certain time each nigh�. The li�hting for the parking Iot <br />as proposed wouid be building mounted on the north and east <br />sides and wouid shine out on the parlan� lot. Siaff is somevvhat <br />concemed about it shining out into the yards of the adjacent homes <br />and would recornmend �hat lighiing be put on the perimeter of ih� <br />lot so it wo�ald shirle inward. <br />Siaf�recommended denial of the D�velopment <br />Revi�w, based on the fact that soine of the dimensional <br />requirements have noi been mei and they do not see ae� <br />�asy way to achieve them. <br />lVfs. �he(dora noted two leiYers which she distributed <br />to th� Commi�sioners: one froan th� Fire Departmeni and <br />on� fram Paul Ostrow who represents 1VIr. and �°s. NToon, <br />expr�ssin� concem about wheiher or nat ihe projeci meeis <br />the criieria and thai it would hav� serious irnpact o� the <br />cli�nt's propert�. <br />