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1996 Planning Commission Packets
Planning & Zoning Commission
Agenda Packets
1996 Planning Commission Packets
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2/23/2012 12:29:23 PM
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2/23/2012 11:56:41 AM
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-! f - � � ' • .�. .� �... <br />1i �. �, .. - ... �. <br />The Planning Commissior� r�esponded by <br />indic�fiing fih�t c�urches are an allowed use by <br />c�ndifiior�ad use perrr�it i� an R-1 District. S�te <br />afso had a cor�cerr� regarding tF�e future gro�nrth <br />of the facility and what would �appen #o the <br />buiEding if the churc� vacaies. �r. Diem <br />explained tha# the structure being propased is <br />�ice the siz� �eeded fio allaw for future grovv�h <br />ar�d, if the congregafion did b�cc�me to� iarge, <br />part of the congregatian wouEd be moved to a <br />nev� buiiding. He irrdicated that a rnajority o� <br />fhe congregation now lives in the Mounds \/i�w <br />area. Ms. Cloues also asked what the church <br />woufd be us�d for. Mr. Diem explained that <br />Sunday Schoo! would begin at 8:45 a.m., <br />worship services wiould be held af 10 a.m. ar�d <br />5 p.m_, the choir meets fwice a month, a <br />evenir�g �rorship �er�ice i� i��ld on <br />Wednesdays at � p.m. and als� noted that the <br />average attendartce on Sunday is 6Q-70 pe�ple <br />at the rnorning services, 20 people at the <br />evening seniices and 20 people at the <br />Wednesday service. <br />Lyle Be[Iis, 2977 County Road I�, asked duhy <br />tfte churct� didn'i rebuild iheir current �aciEit� in <br />the Midway area. fVlr. Diem again stated that a <br />majori#y of the members live in f�iis area. <br />�arb Cloues, 2875 County Road H, inquir�d <br />about fhe parking issue and whether there was <br />enough and was concerned about off-street <br />parkir�g. ihe applicant indicated tha# no off- <br />street parking is r�eeded �nd that 17-1 � c�rs is <br />ihe ma�t fihey hav� had at ane �ime. <br />Rochelle IVloonq 6929 Pleasant Viev� Driv�, <br />inquired as ta why the churci� doesn't gei a <br />property beti�r sui�ed for tl�e faciiity wi�h more <br />greer� space. <br />� . � . � ! M <br />� �,�`. R <br />I :'.: <br />1..:": ... _..�:..... .:'+':'.' _' _ __'__ <br />l <br />
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