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1997 Planning Commission Packets
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1997 Planning Commission Packets
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Ap�-�1-97 I�aoS� How�rd Sheldo� <br />Pl�.nni�g �orr�mission Resolutior� N'oe SQ2-9'1 <br />t�gril i6, 1997 <br />Page 3 <br />�: • .: <br />� � ` � ... <br />Road �I2 be restric� to prot�ct thc nei�hbonc�sdd south of County Road Ii2 fro� <br />through traffic. T'he substantial wetP�nd an this praperty sh�ll be pres�rv�. 1'i�� �hange <br /> mediurra density ressid�nPial Yo mixed �s� PC.TD allc�t�in� bath �omme�ial �nd <br />residendal uses c�ztes rr�orc possibiIities for reinforcing th� id� of �r��� � vgbr�c� <br />City Certt�r. <br />C�osI 3. Prese�re arad proeect prapercy values. <br />'I`i�e rec�uirement ehat us�s withir► 150 �'eet af Cour�ty �oad H2 b� limit�d to To��x <br />int�nsity uses, that a 50-f�ot buffer be provided if com�ncr�iaj uses are d�velo ira this <br />area, and that ihe wetland be pres�rvecJ wiil help pres�rv� a�d protect th� pre�p�rty values <br />�f surroundin� residential r�eighborhaads. <br />GoaE 4. Eosure co�munity developaient is eompatable witb fe�turea of t�e n�tlaral eqviron�ent �nd <br />i� accomffi�ated without desicayin� desirable enviroarbental features and nacural emenitE�ffi. <br />ihis compreh�nsive platt ammendm�nt includes a r�uirement that the substantia.t ��t1�.�� <br />on th� property b� pre�rved from dev�Iopme�t, a�d thaY considerati�n shail b� �iven to <br />preserrir�g the tr� cr�v�r on this parcei o�tsid� of de�r�Iopm�n� wherever po�sibl�. <br />Goa! 5. Prevea8 devetopment which is not accomQsaied by a safficienc ievei of �tttpportive e�rvi��� <br />and facilitaes (utilities, parking, access, etc.} <br />ihe property is locaie� on Highway 10, the rnajar thgrou�hfare in Mour�ds �J'iew, and <br />is a�so bQrdered by Long I,ake Road and County Road H2, bo�h of which are coIle�tor <br />streets. Adequate oppor#urutics for access azc av�ilablc. Water, sewer, storm �ewer, g�s <br />ar�d elecrric iine� are in place in the surrounding stre�ts. Comments fr�m the �iounds <br />View Police Departmertt and the �lainelSpring Lak� Park/�1o�ands View Fir� Department <br />�egarding need for sesvice wouId depend an specific Iarzd �ses propc�sed an� �yould b� <br />obtained at th� time of d�v�lopm��i revievv. Faridng requiremen�s als� depend on th� <br />specifc land us�s pro�s�d and would be checked durira� development revi�w. <br />V�%HEREAS, the Plarenin� Commission hereby finds that �� �rnpreh�ttsiv� plarz <br />amendment will remov� an inconsisten�y betw�en the compr�h�nsive p1� dcsignaii�n and �h� <br />zarun� designat�on on this p rty, <br />�i�V�, i'HE�F'p�, �1C M�Ut1dS �%i�W Plc'lll�lll7� COIIlt1115S10II Ci�S �I�F�b�► I���tifil�[l� <br />t�at the Ciey Co�z�cil approv� an aar��ndment to the Comprehensiv� Plaxt ia desigr�ate th� p'Id"ei1 <br />property as Mix�d L7s� P� (Commer�ial �nd R�sidential L7ses) with a req�ir�ment that <br />develapment be lamii�d ta lower in�ee�sity us�s in the within 150 f�t af �ounty R�ad �2 <br />as note� in Exhibit 1, attached hereto arid iracorgvrate� h�rein by this z'ef�renc�. R�.v�sions to <br />th� t�zt d�scribin� District I sha11 b� mad� as shd�n i� �bit 2D a�tach� htereYo and <br />incorg��t�d herei� by ihis ��f��e�c�. IT�s suitable ir� the lodv�r ini�nsity ar� o�c�sy <br />
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