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1997 Planning Commission Packets
Planning & Zoning Commission
Agenda Packets
1997 Planning Commission Packets
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2/27/2012 3:06:30 PM
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-- _. .: <br />Apr—il-97 �ClmO4.A Hoararei SFa�ld�n 1—%I4—i79-66�2 P_03 - <br />I,IatiC11Y1� C�791ti115S10I1 R£S�itlP10i1 i�IO. S�°9% <br />April 16, 199i <br />Pag� 2 <br />i�-IE�A�, both the �omprehensive Plan �d #he c�arrer�t zonin� an this property <br />indlcat� a need to pr�vide buff�rin� betr�eer� l�d us�s ar� th� �i'�eil progerty and th� ad�acea�t <br />singi� family r�sideniial neig�bc�rhoad; and, <br />REA5, 4i�e curr�nt zoeung env�sionx approximately sevea acres in duplex r�sidenf�al <br />us� (�-2) in a strip �Ion� the s�uthem edg� of this propertyp and sev�nt�cen �cres csf cvrnrnerciai <br />uses (�-1) borde�ing �-Iighway 1Q; and, <br />�IEREA�, ivlir�n�sot� State �iv�s pr e�a� to z�nnir�� wi��r� thcr� is � co�#lict <br />betv✓een a zaning desigr�a�ion �d a comprehensiv� plari d�ignat��n; and, <br />�EI�AS, th� Q'I�1ei1 property is o�� of' the most si�nificant pa�c�ls rea�aining <br />available for developm�nt in th� I�ighway i4 corridor and in A��unds View, and presents the <br />possibility of addin� to th� City's t�c base; arid, <br />��-iEREAS, t�� Plann�rtg Commission cr�alces the foii�vving %rtdir�gs that th� proposed <br />__ am�ndmer�t is consisient with ti°i� �en�ral la�d use �oals and �li�i�s car�t�n�d iri th� <br />Compreh�nsiv� Plan as follaws: <br />Goal 1. Deveiop a cahesive laad use pattern wbich easures Compatibility aud fitucd�nsl �-ej�onshipe <br />amoag activities and use�. <br />The change fram medium density residentiai ta mixed us� PUI�, allowin� both <br />cornmercial and residen�al uses, will allow for flexibility i� ihe City Cer�te� car�. The <br />accompanyir�g description of the typcs ai lar�d uses to be a1low�d requires that <br />coenmercial be inciud� iri the mixturc and directs developmer�t toward destination- <br />oriented commercial, rather than i�ai canvenie�c� comencr�iat. This mizture will create <br />a lively, vital activity center at th� heart of the cora�m�nity and brings a e�ew, beneficial <br />element ta th� land use mix in Nlounds View. The pro�sed amendm�ne places �his <br />commercial ac�ivity center on Hi�hway i0, which is che major travel corridor through <br />lvio�ands View, and across the street from City Fiail and tiae Nlounds View Commur�ity <br />Cen�er, which will reirtforce th� City �en�r id�. 1iz� land use descriptio� requires <br />adequate buffe�ing b�tw�n this praperty a�rd thc r��iden�ial neighborho�d to th� south <br />be provided by lamitin� the intensit� of us�s in th� ar� i50 feet frorn County Raad �I2D <br />and by requiring a 50 foot buffer of landscapir�p or tre� c�ver in ghis �;e� is used for <br />commercial uses. <br />Goal 2. �aiatain �dB w�ere n�cess�rY, uPgrade Iaand u�� aad environmental qualicy. <br />Thc policy under this �oai d'ax�ts att�ntion to p�°ote,�t�rt� xnte�r�Y� �a� districts <br />(�esid�ntial nefghbonc��ds, coraimerci� c�t�t�rs, indtastriai parks) frorn p�r��traiior� by <br />throu�h tr�ffic. '�°he revisions ta tfi� t�x� for District 1 indi�t� that, if commer�ial us�s <br />are d�veioped in th� ar� within I50 %c�t oi Ca�a�aty Road I-�2, that a�cess to Co�nty <br />
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