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1997 Planning Commission Packets
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1997 Planning Commission Packets
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i- <br />.�pe^- 1 1-97 lp m p6A Fi�wa,^� She i dcsn <br />�lannir�� Commissiora T�esaluki�r� No. 503-97 <br />April 16, 1997 <br />Page 2 <br />�� �� � �� <br />insur�n� adequate bufrferin� and Iandscapi�g be�we�r� cnmmerci� u�s �d <br />adjacent res�dendal developme�is. <br />'ihe deveiopment of the �'�%il praperty as � comm�rcial ac�ivity cent�r arpd dest��ation <br />use will result ia� addikzana�l pro�rty ta�c revenu�, cmployment, and pc�ssable spi���� <br />P�OriOi]i1C aC�lVlty ir� the comrnunity. Yt will �mply �vith th� land us� �nal in th� <br />Compa-�hensiv� I�Ian re�ardin� th� follovs�in�: <br />e� <br />� <br />(2) <br />(3) <br />{4} <br />pravidir�g for a br�ad tax and e�pande�i empleymen� base <br />�s�ablishing a�ity Center which incor�r�t�s a mix of commcr�ial, publicy <br />rnediurn ar►d hi�h density residenYial, artd <br />regulatin� comrnercial d�velopment, wh�r� appli�ablc, by th� PITD provisions ir� <br />the zoning ordi�ance. <br />'Che geographical are� involved. <br />�ether such use wilt eeod to or actnatly depreciate tGa �rea in which it i� propo�ed. <br />T'he character of thc murroanding area. <br />Th� s�arrounding ar�a is a mixture of single family residential, multiple f�rrtil� resider�ti�1, <br />busin�ss and ca�ic us�s. Along tk�e wcst sid�, acr�ss I.,ong I ake Road' is a res�dentiai <br />neighborhood compri�d of' thte� muitipl� famiIy d�velopments: Silver I.�,Ice Wooas, <br />Scotland Gree�, and Wildwoc� IVianor. �oih Scotland Gr�en and �ildw�d Ntan�r �r� <br />thre�-story apartment d�v�lopments; Silv�r I�c� VVc�ads is a lower antensity, townhom� <br />development. In the pra�s�d cancept plan, ihe residen�ial areas on the wes� are shielded <br />from ihe developmeat by a�a �.S acr� �veYl�nd which wiIl b� Ieft in it� natural state. City <br />Hall and ihe park surrounding it are located to the ntirth across the 22S foot Fii�hway IQ <br />right-of-way. Donatellc's Itestaurant, which is Iaca�d east oi the o'Neil pr�p�rty, is the <br />only developmer�t which actuaily st�ar�s a common property line, and bath dev�lopments <br />are carrimercial us�s. Immectiately to th� southeasi is a cluster af business�s including <br />Roberts Off IOy ddQIIIJ6 `rOI�II�CLdOny pasis Mark�t arad a car wash. <br />There is an extensive, ezisting single family nei�hborhoo� on tite south, across County <br />Road H2, which runs from this roadway to County iZoad H. 'I'h� cri�ria re��rdi�� fit <br />beEween �his pro�s�I and th� surround°ang area, and wh�ther th� progx�sal a✓ill aff�ci <br />property values, is m�st critic,al far this neighbonc�xid. Ways in which thas issue az� <br />addresse� ir�clude: <br />� Limit�n� a�cess t� �iighway 1�, and permit�ng r�o a��ss on Co�r�ty Road I�i2o <br />* Providing a biaffe� �r� oi 50 f�t along County Road I�Z, whictt vvi11 �iih�r be <br />left ir� its natur�I wo�ded stat� a� be lands��d, <br />� Pravid�ng a scr�r� f�nc� eo s#aaeld ih� r�sgderti�ai neig�tborhoad to th� s�ttth �°rorn <br />th� activigy �s�iated with th� Yh�ier complex, and � preve�t ped�siti�r► traific <br />into thc n�i�hbori��d. <br />
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