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Apr-11-97 09e5dA How�rd Sh�ldon �-7I4-i7�-6612 P.�5 , <br />' �i8.►1711fI� �,`Q1'11iriI5SlOCi <br />47I-97: �'Neii Property <br />April 10, i997 <br />Pag� 4 <br />� �'orrtparaso� w�� ��nire�: ihe s�f re�r� fcsr April 2 n�ted tP�� �� ailovved <br />under ghe existing zoe�ia�� (�-1) and comm�nY�d that dxe siz� of khis parcel i� prob�bly <br />to� bi� ta b� absorbed by nei�F�borhocsd busir�ess deveiopm�nt. <br />At ti�e �nclrasion a� th� Aprii 2 rn�eiin�, �h� PIanning �orninissiora members in atiendarice <br />i�dicated thae they w�rc �avorabl� coward �rnmer�di�� �ppro�al vf th�s applic�tion, sub��ck <br />to the results of the traf�i� study. A resolutiaea has b�n pr�p�r� with thi� dir�tioa � rrafl��o <br />T'�°�f�� ��d A���a <br />31�F Consulting Group has p�a�red a suppi�rr�enta! tra.f�C siudy �� addres� ih� issu�s noi�cI <br />b�1ow. A copy of the ixaf°fi� study is atYached. The it�forrnation in the st�dy is seareapn ' by <br />issue b�low. Tl�is snmmary is incomplete b�us� staff was unable to discuss the tr-affic study <br />wi�h the traffic consult�nnt privr to che ma.ilout of this r��rt< �Ne ariticipate �ai�ng wi�tt A��. <br />I-�eu�r prior t� your meeCing. <br />�` IIt,fOP7Pdel101g OPI t}1E O]'J�Y[ItiOl! Of'i� aCCBSS,fT'OIFI �d�jd4k�� IO. <br />'� The proposed access �o ttre proje�t site is fram Hi�hway� 10, using a right-irt, right�ue drav� <br />entrance approximately midway betw�en Lak� i�c�d �nd C�u�ty Road �I2. The �or�sult�� <br />anticipa�es �hat th� develoger will b� required by h�inDOT to constnict accel�rat�o� and <br />deceleration lanes ai tttis drivc, which will minimiz.� inierference with ttgra�gh 4r�f#ic ��� <br />l�iighway 10. The on-site cir�ulation needs to be designed to q�aickly move vehicics from the <br />highway into the site, so backtaps or� Highway 1p are miriimixed. This issue will ne.ed to b� <br />addressed at the development plan st�ge. <br />�` G'ompa�ason of the trip-�eraeratang chara,cte�astics of potendial alterrurtave aa�sses o, f th� sate�. <br />The Planning Corr�missian re�ucsged that tr�ffic estimates be done for altemativ� land uses on <br />this property. St�ff asked the consulY�nt to l�k at five sc�r�arios: <br />(1) �xxfsting zoraing <br />35 dapiexes takir�g access from County ��a,d H2 <br />132,�C}0 squaz� feet af retait comm�rcial witha <br />25,SQ� squar� f�t vn Parc�l A bound� by %ong Lak� Roadp I�igh`v�y 10, and the �r�tl�d, and <br />taking access froan botf� �ng ?�ke R��d� ar�d <br />106,500 square feet on the area oth�r than Parcel A and Ph� �oneri R-2, �nd ta��g �cc�ss <br />from Hig�rway 10. <br />