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<br />WHEREAS, Danny Danielson, representing parents Ernest & Marlene Danielson, has
<br />requested approval for a minor subdivision dividing property located ai 8444 Greenwood Drive,
<br />property zoned R-1, Single Family Residential, legally descrihed as foiiows:
<br />7'he ,S'outh 234 9� F'eet of Loi 5, Bl�ck 1, Danielso�a ,4cddi�iosz,
<br />Ru»rsey County, Siate o�'11�linnesotra
<br />1hTHEREAS, the two lots created by ihis minor subdivision, Parcel A(the northern parcei
<br />with the existing home} and Parcel B(the southern parcel) would be legally described as follows:
<br />Parcel A: 7'he North 155.9i Feet ojthe,South Z34 98 �'eei ofLot �, �dock 1,
<br />I�anielso�t Ad�lation, County of Rarrpsey, Staie of 1llirtnesotr�
<br />Parcei B: 7'he South 7� OI l�'eet of Lot 5, Block 1� Dl8i2ICISUiI f�l�[�ItlOiB� County o�'
<br />�4�msey, �'taie of hti�anesata
<br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the appticant's request far a minor
<br />subdivisian and has determined that it is in conformance with Chapters 1 I04, 1201, and I202 of
<br />the Municipal Code; and
<br />VV�IEREAS, the Plannin� Commission finds that the appticant's request for a minor
<br />subdivision is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; and,
<br />WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a Certificate and Plat of Survey for the above
<br />described property; and,
<br />WI�EREAS, the Engine�ring Technician for the City of Mounds View has reviewed the
<br />proposed minor subdivision and has found it acceptab�e with stipuiations as noted herein; and,
<br />WHEREAS, ail subdivisions of land are subject to a park dedication fee as required in
<br />Sectio� 1204.02 of the Municipal Code
<br />N4W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mounds View Pianning Commission
<br />recommends approval oFthe minor subdivision request made by Danny Danieison, of 8444
<br />Greenwoad Drive, contingent upon the foliowing;
<br />