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Danielson ivlinor Subdivision <br />Resolution No. 567-99 <br />� <br />January 6, 1999 <br />Page 2 <br />Prior to City Councii action on this request, the Certificate of Survey shall be <br />revised to show the foilowir�g: <br />a. Text shaU be added to the certificate which stafies; "Separate drainage and <br />utiiity easement documents consistent with those areas so noted on this <br />Certificate of Survey have been recorded with Ramsey County." <br />b. A signature block shail ba added which bears the names of the property <br />owners (Ernest & Marlene Danielson) and the Mayor and City <br />Clerk/Administrator (Daniei Coughlin and Charles S. Whi�ing, respective(y} <br />The title of the survey sha11 read "Certificate of Sut-vey. " <br />2. The applicant sha(1 make payment of a park dedication fee oi $1,475 according to <br />the �-equirements in Seciion 120G,02 of the Iviounds View Municipal Code. <br />3. Befare building permits can be issued, the following shall occur: <br />a. The applicant shall record the City Council resoiution of approval, the <br />Certificate of Survey and the drainage and utility easement documents with <br />Ramsey County within si�y (60) days of final adoption, and presen� proof <br />of such recording to the City of Mounds View. �'ailure to record these <br />documents or provide proof of such recordation shall cause this approval <br />� to be nuil and void. <br />BE IT FURTHE� RESOLVED that the Mounds View Planning Commission directs staff <br />to forward this resolution to the City Council prior io approval of the minutes. <br />Adopted this 6tii day of January, 1999, <br />ATTEST: <br />Jerry Peterson, Planning Commission Chairperson <br />Rick Jopke, Community Development Director <br />(SEAL) <br />i I:�DATAIGROUPSICOMDEVU7EVCASES\540-481567-99PC.RES <br />