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-3 - <br />:�r_utes ef January 9th, 1961 teeeting <br />tSayor Crane presented to the Council a Rosolution from the <br />League of Minnesota tiunicipalities entitled "Resolution of l�later <br />:,esource 6tudy Conmittee-Sub-Committee Concerning Proposed <br />�apansion of the iSinneapolis-3t,Pau1 Sanitary District". I�fotion by <br />.tayor Crane� seconded �y IIodges to adopt this Resolution. I�ir, <br />iCnutson said it is his understanding that the Resolution iaas not <br />zdopted by other Stunicipalities as set forth in the League Letter, <br />�iost of ther� added their own provisos, Trustee Christensen feels <br />that the Village of Plounds Vieir should spell out just what we feel <br />is fair and equitahle financing ot this system and also to enumerate <br />:�;�evci else we want, Attorney PReyers said that the Village should <br />add a proviso that if they do not come up vith something uithin a <br />reasonable time� hiounds 9iew vrill go ahead and find a solution of its <br />��:m, �..r, ?deyerG o!ill prepare an addition to this resolution and <br />�-•ing it to the next meeting. Tiayor Crane withdre�a his motion and <br />?rustee Hodges withdrew his second. <br />Clerk Blanchard trill call Ehlers and T:ann L'o have them re-submit <br />' �ir bill ior �ervices rendered, <br />Clerlc 3lanchard read a letter from the Ramsey County Lhgineer <br />��ating that they are holding a meeting to discuss ctrainage in Ramgey <br />County at the request of the Ramsey County [4unicpal Of1'icials Organi- <br />z�.tion. Les Knutson� t(el Christensen anfl Donald Hodges wi11 try to <br />�.ttend this meeting, <br />The Council requested that Attorney bieycrs makc an analysis of <br />'he Ville;�e�s insurance prcgram and report at the Sanuary 23rd meeting. <br />Clerk Blancharcl read tho Report for December 19G0 and the <br />,eport for the year of 1960, Ifayor Crane moved� seconded by ifalvin <br />`o accept the DecemUer 19G0 and Yearly report of 1960 of the Ptounds <br />eer Police Department as reaU. 5 AYes for approval, motion carried. <br />l:ayor Crane presented a letter from tne Iiinnesota Safety Council <br />.�oueaCing that this Villagc Ca::c a survey of the traffic �!ithin the <br />'i'_11a�e during the past year nnd send in a report. This raill be <br />�:rned over to the Policc Con.�.ission to make thc report, <br />Attorney ldeyers reportecl that the Resolution on tieter 3ettin�s <br />s not complete yet. <br />A rnemo cn the proposed st;reet plan for the Villagc uras suUmitted <br />- lir, tieyers, This itill. be gonc over at the next agenda meeting. <br />I;ayor Crane suggested that the Council shonld mect urith the <br />�;l„lzway DePartment to f:Lnd out what their plans are £or the ne�r <br />.��k�tivay 10 & Hightray 35 W, It o�as deCided that a Highway Department <br />"»:esentative ti�ill be invited to a public Council meeting after <br />�..o Council has had an opportunity to discuss this informally. <br />Attorney tieyers presentel a Proposec� Ordinancc specifyin� that <br />i'].tunbin; Inspection fees ?o directly to thc Village, This is an <br />rzr��ndnent to Ordi_nance ;`�15, lioti.on by 1[alvin scconded b� Iiodges <br />'.;o approve, 5 Ayes for approva.l� motion carr�ed, <br />Attorney licycrs presented to thc Council and r;,tract of I:inutes <br />ci the December 12� 1960 meeting pas4ng a 14esolution granting a <br />�necial Usc Pcrmit for the construction of a Gasoline ;ervice Statinn. <br />Tlie Clerk was instructci L-o send a copy of' this Resolution �o P•1r, <br />t�el�aerg. <br />tIn Grdinance anendin�; Orr�innncc ,',`6'7 on re-zoninN of ccrtai.n (to Coun <br />property was submitted bv Attornc,y i:cyers. ;ir, "eyers e�ill send a copy / <br />Attorney licycrs read a Resolution placSng the tax as^essnent of <br />�_.:il Pearson Uack on the ta;t ro7.l.s, <br />