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MV Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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�� <br />i:intxces ^i Janns:iy 9t'i� 1961 Ice�i_n;;. <br />Iir, iicycrs reported i.hat ?hc ��on:' of a Contractor� ^arroll <br />Dcai. Stenslanc'., is noL i.n ;;ood forT.�. Hc �ri11 nottff thei: that ;,ne <br />3onc: is not aece�ta5lc. <br />Attorney iieyers reeC: a proposec'. Resol.:�.tion ior i-Ii;h�tay 10-62, <br />i;r. Fic�crs reported Cha� he na, Li�ro deeds :`io�! t'.ie 0'Connell�s <br />vhich hc �ti11 nov filc. <br />I:ayor Cranc rsoved� seconded b�.� Chrt�tens:: to �cqnire 1I..�,% acres <br />of lanct fror:i i"sr. I�'e1e� adjacenL' co t'ze O�CorLicll land and that thc <br />Attorncy it-.l7 contimte to negotiate, T;ie attornev ha:� subra:ittec� an <br />earnest :�oney contract to Iir, b'olcy� ; Attorney ��hic�7 has not yet been <br />returnec'.. It provic?es for a cotm pay:�en`:. of >500.00 brin;;ir_� thc <br />balanc� do��m to :;j15�C00.00 rrhi_ch irill '�e p��.Ld ovcr a�, ycar per:iod <br />at 5�. 5 Aycs �'or appioval� ,::otior_ ca?ricd. <br />Attorney iicyers aslted that a copy of thc iire contrle� �c <br />available to ii:n so he can ciicck it� <br />::ayor Crane novod to acccpt the L`i:u�esota�ernent 3urvcy <br />su��niLte�. by lii . Genc l:acaulay. ° The r!otion tras scconded by 3lanchurc�. <br />5 Aycs Y'or �7Dj�1`uJ.'.i� L':0±1^?"! carricci. <br />tiayor Cranc suggested that the V_lla�i shoulQ h:�ac a^ ;x_vnni:ory <br />of Vi11a�c propr.rty� this bein� i.iie dt�.ty oi :;Lc Pn��lic '.^!clfare <br />Comnittec �rhich rri11 >>e duc at �•hc; !::c;tinq in i�ebruary, <br />Cleilt ?31a»r.hard sta'ted. that the 'Till�<_-o oii �.c: needs �. full <br />timc Depnt�� Clcrk ^nd tre shonld. advcrtisc in our local n�t'spa»cr. <br />Aours �•rill hc fro�i 8A.:`. to !F:30 P.'-.-�� `?:�.:s�:e.y T!iui•sdny and <br />Fricay. On lledncsday�s thc hou;s iror: 1�:00 Pioori to £�:30 P.;:. �.;ith <br />a hals" hour ltmch perioc�. ev :ry d�3r,* 'i'hc a�i li i:ics o:� �hc Doputy <br />Clerk �rould 'nave to includc '3oolc'_ceen'_�sy ond. G�nernl Of�'ic� ':nowledge. <br />i;ayo�- Crcnc sng�cstod. that Clc:l: Blrnchard� !:r, kiacaulay and himselP <br />form a Co�n.iittce 'to set up thc q�_�cli�icat;_ons .�nd sreen apnlicants, <br />Applia�i,;ons ui_ll >^ c:::en ur_�il J�nuary 20th �.rith i;hc i_i�t^ntion <br />o£ having so.zeonc 1ii ^ecl ��y ,�'�r.�.ary 13tn, I:o �.ior. lr- Crane � seconded <br />��y Hod�es that Clc??: 3lancharc� ii�.;ror Crano an? ts, iiacnulay t^kc <br />a.nd screQn applicants _o: Depnty Clcrk, Ho<<�cs- a5rc; i:?lvin-,syc, <br />Christense-aye� 3lanch�id.-no; Cr�ne-ayc. �� Afes foi appi•oval� <br />motion carricd. <br />3lsnch�rd. noved� Crane seconded a�::o�ion to h�ae a Consultant <br />co�; in anc� set up an adequate� 1c;;�1 and ope°n'�le filing and <br />bool>'� cepin� sys i;em, t4ayor Cranc su�;;;c � �ec� that tho Conncil in�er- <br />vict! C.P.�i,�s �o get �..z i.dca trh�.t ic voulc. cost to sct up a nc;* <br />sys �ci� i oi� thc Villauo o£ficc. ����res _"or epnrovcl �; o �;on cari ied. <br />�'PTeta ofiic� hours sug„oste� '��r Clcrk _,lancharn trero to l�c <br />e�Pective Iionday� Snnu�ry 16tn, • <br />Ai tcr a discussion oi che rate o.E' uo.y tmcicr �h^ nctir o�"ficc hot1P6 . <br />it e-ras deciC!ec1 to lcavo �he 7�oura as thcy are unti_1 a not! Deputy <br />Clcrk is hired. <br />Donald Hou�ca rofc�red. litc-r� cu,�c hc hafl ��eccivec�. rc�aiding <br />pocrer brooras to Trustce C'i7ristenscn. <br />Trustoe Chris'te�zson triL nrepa�o a list, o^ intcrsoctions �rhich <br />ui11 havo ^-��� strcet si;ns and •r;_ll su.r„iit t:iis li�t to chc CoLmcil <br />at thc next mectin;;, <br />Chris Pichousici pre�;.nteC. n li3t o' four '�ouses �rhich rrcrc <br />red-ta��ed. Janu^..�;,r 9i.h, Thosc t� gged izerco £i43u ��stiaood <br />�2Zr� Spz°in; Laka Rd, <br />"3Rtr C:: o rclln:? <br />fb:��, i0 1t :�icc Crcalc <br />;o,>c.r^.i:io?:. <br />
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