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MV Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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PROCEEDINGS OF T:ii VSLL�IGL' COUNCIL <br />VILLAG� OF FIOUNDS VIEIJ <br />RAMSEY COUNTY <br />MINN�SOTA <br />The regular meeting of the Mounds View Village Council was <br />called to order at ti:00 P.M.� February T3th, 1961 by Mayor Al1an <br />H. Crane at the Red Oalc School. <br />Membera Presentt <br />Mayor: <br />Clerk: <br />Truateea: <br />Attorney: <br />Engineer: <br />Allan D. Crane <br />Lloyd J, Dlanchard <br />Melford C. Chrietensen <br />Donald Hodges <br />Perry A4alvin <br />Richard Dfoyers <br />Les Knuteon <br />Also in s.ttendance wera the Hoy Scoute from Troop �'167♦ who <br />served as Village Officers on Scout Civic Day, January 11, 1961. Mayor <br />Crane asked the Clerk to explain the preaence of the Boy Scouta to the <br />geople in attendance. Clerk Hlanchard reported that the boya had been <br />eiected, and had eerved as Villa�e o£ficials for a day. <br />Trustee Christenaen wae than called on to explain the reasona for <br />the propoaed atreet plan. It aas fuily explained that the Planner and <br />Eng.ineer had worked in conjunction to set th3s plara up and that it wae <br />only a preliminary map. He further stated that the Council woulfl not <br />talce action on the proposa2 this evening� but would hold at leaet one <br />and poasibly two more hearings, beiore aciopiinng tY.a pia,n. • <br />Yillage Attorney Pleyers was than adced to explain the legal aspecte <br />of the street plan. <br />The Fiayor stated that any residents present could voice their <br />opiniona about the Propoaed Street Plan. <br />Opinions abont the Proposed Street Plana were as followe: <br />Mr, i,tilliam A. Sutherton of 7611 Pleasant View Drive�"P1y home is <br />on the propoaed road", <br />Mr. E. Holt, �381 Pleasant V1ew Drive,"My garage ie on the pro- <br />poaed road, also there ie not enou�h room on my lot for two homee eveit <br />if the road did go through". <br />Mr. C. Young� 1�22 County Rd. I� "The road would be 20 feet trom <br />my door and rould cut up the yard too much". <br />Mr. R. Anderson, 1�4� Dronaon Dr., "Doea not want the road betwaea <br />County Rd. I and Hronaon Dr, becavae he has no wiah to aub-divide � this� <br />timt�'! <br />Mr. R. Sandeen, 1790 Noodale Drive, "DOes not want the low lsnd <br />cut up ea thie is the only blyd and game ean�ary in the Village". <br />Mra, E. Droppe owna a lot adjacent to Flr. Sandeen'e and "wants to <br />Imax if the Village will buy the ri�ht-of-way� and alao how wide the <br />road might be� ae ehe plane to build thie Spring". <br />At this point� Attorney Fteyera explained again why the Village aa� <br />makin� the propoeed plan. <br />Mrs, L. Bonine� 8380 Sprin� Lk. Yk. Rd., requeatad that the <br />proposed road run alon� the No.-So. County Line between Ruy. 10 and Co. <br />Rd. J. <br />
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