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Pa�e 2. <br />Proceedinga of P2ounda View Council Meeting- February 13th� 1961 <br />Mrs. I. tdille� 7911 Spring Lk. Pk. i.d, atated that the propoee8 <br />exteneion of Hillview Rd. went through or very cloae to her home aad <br />that there would be a fire hydrant in the center oF the road. She <br />further stated that her deed carried an eaaement (5 ft.) for an alley- <br />way behind her home. <br />At this point Truatee Christensen requeated that anyone who had <br />a complaint or knew of another person who had a complaint on the <br />Propoeal write a letter to the village Office� atating the complaint <br />or objection and �ivin� their name� address and legal descrlptioa of <br />Lheir property. <br />ttr. A.K. Bassett of 5060 Long Lake Rd., "Ae has a lot bei:tg <br />croeaed by Proposed Road and the road would make his lot ssn-salablA: <br />At this point Mayor Crane again stated that thie was merely a <br />Proposed and nut a F1na1 road plan for the Village. <br />Mr, 'lerdien� 6940 Fairchild� etated that he d1d not want the <br />Proposed Road behind hia house extended and would eend a letter to <br />tlaat effect to the V111a�e Office. <br />Leo Higgina� 8150 �astwood Drive, atated "He doea not want tha <br />road". " <br />Mr. Herbst of' �160 �astwoofl Lrive� stated 'ne was 1vGro itx f&vosc <br />of tLe Proposed Road - l�est of Eastwood Dx�. <br />Glen Dawson. 2201 Lambert Dr.� doea not want the road between <br />Hronaon and Lambert Drive. <br />Mr. H.C. Colby� 1�40 County Rd. I."eaid the easements on Co.Rd. <br />I were not as shown on the map and that the Council and the Villaga <br />Engineer were aware of this. <br />Mr. Xroonblawd� 2280 Hwy. 10, wanta a aervice road in front oP <br />his place ae he muat drive out of his way to get onto the Hi,gh�raT. <br />Mr. Lindquiat� 2521 Co. Rd. H., �oes not want the Proposed Road <br />No. of Co. Ad. H. <br />!lrs. Schmidt� who gave no address, atated that ahe had eeveral <br />lote in the Villa�e� but at the present time ahe was only objectiag to <br />the Proposed Road � South of Co. Rd. I, running througt► to Sp.Lk.Pk. Rd. <br />It xae brougY�tout in genaral- diacusaion that one Proposad Road <br />vould run through the achool property at Red Oak and Sherwood. <br />At 9s10 P.PI,� it xa� moved by Chrieteneen to receas the Hearlag � <br />until Monday, April 24th at 8e00 P.M. Seconded by Malvin� 5 Ayes for <br />Approval. <br />The Mayor introduced Dick Jonea� our Legislator from this DistricE. <br />Mr. Joaoe stated that he had talked to a member of the Matropolltan <br />Airport• Co�i��ion that day and"had told him he tiRought the meeting <br />•cheduled For lledneeday� February 15th nt 1 P.M. wae unfair to th� <br />psople that were intezestsd in attending� aleo that it should be ch�ag�d <br />to a Public Hearin�b He was informed that the Commissioa was und�� <br />ao obligatioa to heve u►y typ� of farmal Hearing whataoevsr� attd tl►at <br />their meeting would go on sa echeduled. <br />