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Page 3. <br />Proceedings of the Nlounda View Council Meeting- February 13� 1961 <br />b1r. Jonea went on to say he would attend the meeting and appear <br />before the "BOard" and request that an"Open Hearing'� be held, ao <br />people interested in the Airport could attend. Also to inform them <br />of the fact that Planes �vould be £lying ovar 3 schoola� which can be <br />a dangeroua circumstance� referring to ��rhat happened at tdold-Chamberlazn <br />Airport a few years ago. <br />Mr. Jones than turned the meeting back to Aiayor Crane� and <br />auggested he get opinions from the people preaent in the Audience. <br />After much diacuasion by Council members and people preaent the <br />Mayor asked if those who oppoaed the expansion of the Moka Airport <br />would raiae their handa. An overwhelming majority did so. The Mayor <br />then asked for a show o£ hands of thoae in favor of the expansion� and <br />aeven persons so indicated. <br />It was moved by Chriatensen that the Council oppose the expanalon <br />of the Anoka County Airport� according to the presented plana. <br />Seconded by Hodgea. 5 Ayea for approval. <br />The Mayor recessed the meeting at thia point so that persona <br />present could speak freely with each other and with Rep. Jonea� and <br />could also aign petitions against the expanaion of the airport. <br />The meeting was again called to order at 10:25 P.Ai. <br />The minutes of the January 23r 1961 were corrected ae followa- <br />Pa�e 2� paragraph 6� line 2: at three (3) dollars per year per man. <br />Motion by Malvin to accept m3nutea as corrected. Seconded by <br />Christensen. 5 Ayes for approval. <br />The Attorney than read hia report. <br />He stated that the Barneat Money Contract from Mr. Foley �,� _ <br />�• • included payment of back taxea of �1r140,18 and he <br />recommended that we have a new Contract drawn up deleting the <br />delinquent tax. The Council ao instructed the Attorney to draw up <br />present the Contract aa he euggeated. <br />He than gave the Council 3 Memoranduma.a�One on Insurance <br />Co�erage, Number 2 on Abatement of a Public Nuieance� Number 3- <br />R 1 ti f <br />and <br />eao u on rom North Suburban Sanitation Sewer Comr.�ittee. Said memoe. <br />on file at the Villa�e Office. <br />The Council instructed the Clerk to investigate the poseibility <br />of fire insurance on the contents of the Village Hall. <br />The Attorney was directed to draw up a Notice to be eerved on <br />Mr, Herrmann 2439 Ridge Lane� �ew 8rightoal2r and Perry Malvin was <br />inatructed to eerve said Notice. <br />It was moved by Chrieteneen that the Village <br />from the No. Sub. San, Sewer Committeo. Seconded <br />ChrSsteneen explained why thia bill was favorable <br />Roll wae called, Five ayea for approval. <br />A copy oF aforementioned Ds�olution (No.Sub. <br />to Rep. Jonse and another givea to Attorney Meyera <br />Senator R. Dlartin. <br />adopt the Reeolution <br />by pisivin. Mr. <br />to ue ae a Villago, <br /> wae given <br />for delivery to <br />Motion by Christeneen� Seconded by Malvin to adopt Reaolution of <br />the Water Resources Study Committee-SUb-Committee. 5 Ayea for approval. <br />