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MINUTES �F THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE <br />PARK AND RECREATION CAMMISSION <br />CITY OF MOUNAS VIEW <br />WUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />Regular Seeslon <br />Juty 25, 1974 <br />riey dall <br />CALL TO ORDFR The Mounda View Park and Recreation Commic�ion <br />met in regular aession and waa called to order <br />by Chairman Baumgartner at 8:30 P.M. <br />ROLL CAI.L Chairman Roger Baumgartner, Commis�lonare <br />lacque Coplin, Cordon Fador, Harbara Hsake, <br />and Donald Nodgee. Alao preaent wee the Director <br />of Parks and Recreation, Doug 8ryant, <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Caomi,.eioner Haeke and aecondad by <br />6/6/74 Chairmun Bawogartner to epprove the minuta� oi <br />the June 6, 1974 meeting. The motion pa�red <br />unanimously. <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Commieeioner Haake and �eaondad by <br />6/27/74 Commisaioner Fedor to approve the minute� ol LMe <br />June 27, 1974 meeting, The motlon pauad <br />unanimouely. <br />Commieeioner Wayne Buxmei�tar and Commi��ion�r <br />IaVerne Peterron arrived at RtS2 P.M. <br />1975 BUDGET PROPOSAL Gdsirman Baumgartner celtad on tha Dinetor ol <br />Parke and Recreatlon to pre�ent the propn��d 197! <br />budgec £or tha Park �nd Ilearestion Dspaet�nt. <br />Mr. Bryant bagan by introduning hi� racomm�ndstions <br />ior refining [he perk and paareation sccounting <br />syrtem. He rugguted ttu►t tha primsry nusb�r <br />ayrtem be eat�nd�d lrom 474 to LneLude 474� 475� <br />and 476: <br />474--Adminirtretion 6 Labor <br />47S•-Racraatlon Brogrem� <br />4T6--Perk ll�intan4nae b Impxov�s�nt� <br />Mr. Brysnt puinted uut th�c thi� n�w �y�t� ott�n� <br />e nore •p�aific br�ekdown a! nwnl�� !oe bud4�tln� <br />purpo��� end Kive� r�or� r�linit vi�v ot e��n- <br />dicura�, ln additton, th� D1e�ator e�aarwnd�d a <br />recreetton proie�m work ord�r nuuMr �y�tMn vhiah <br />would t!• in to Che budQ�ttnR �yrt�w. <br />Next, the Direatoe progre�aed theou�A Che propor�d <br />hudget eKpleinlnp alumpur snd �dditiom. Ke <br />