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-z- <br />summarised by suggesting that $86,184,00 come from <br />the General Fund for Annual Operation and $23,SOO,tlO <br />from the Park Fund for the Capital Improvements <br />Program. The proposed budget totaled $109,684.00 <br />excluding any changes in the Directors salary. A <br />discussion ensued. <br />Before moving on to the next agenda item the Director <br />recommended that if the City were [o gu�sue success- <br />fully a bond issue in ear2y 29:5 - for p�rk develoo- <br />ment and acquis3tion - that bond monies replace <br />the requested funds from the Park Fund. This would <br />free up the Park Fund for a special investment that <br />the Council may c�mnt to pursue at a later date. He <br />added that he £elt the community was ready and the <br />residents receptive to a bond issue for parks. <br />Chairman Ba�gartner suggested to the Director tt�et <br />he write a formal proposal for development and <br />acquisition through a bond issue and bring 1t to <br />the next Commission Meeting. <br />SUBDIVISIONS Motion made by Commissioner Haake to accept a caeh <br />dedication to the Park Fund in accordance with <br />Ordinance IP42.07 for the Sok�m, Johnson, and Eaetman <br />subdivision. The motion was seconded by Commiseioner <br />Burmesiter and passed unanimously. <br />NEW PARK SITES The Park and Recreation Direc[or reported [hat he had <br />received a positive engineere report on the Rendom - <br />new park site. He added that he wee intereeted in <br />pursuing this site 3f approved by the Commleeton. <br />Motion by Commissioner Haeke to BeCUre !he Rendom <br />property for the City of Mounds Viea�� Peik Progiem. <br />The motion was sernnded by Commiaeioner Coplin and <br />passed manimously. <br />SPRING LAKE/HAWKINS After a brief review of the progrer� o! tha Bpeing <br />WATERWORKS - PROPERTY Lake/Hawkins issue the Commiaelon agTead to po�tpone <br />the pursuit of the t�tetworkr pioparty. (The Park <br />and Recreation Department wa• plsnning on �aoking <br />permission [o maintain and police thi� peoperty [q <br />better aerve the local reeidentr end aliminate <br />problems.) The Caniaeion Pelt et th!• point that <br />it may not be tha responeibility oY [ha Park and <br />Recreation Departmant to maintain thU prop�rty end <br />to table any action untll dieeaCad to do ro by tha <br />cicy councsl. <br />GROVELAND!.J�IYCEE'S The nezt item on tho sgande wn� a roport by the <br />Director on the Crovnland/Jaycne�� peoJael•. <br />Mt. Bryant e[ntad [hnt he mada n[ormal prupu�al and <br />invi[ation to the Jaynen'r on July llkh nC thn nw::thly <br />