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'2' <br />Worksheets rnmpleted by Commisaioners were <br />su6mitted to the Director to compile and report <br />at the nex[ regular eeasion. <br />Bryant pointed out that the next step would be <br />goals and objectives. <br />Councilman Hodges arrived at 7:15 P.M, <br />ATTENMNCE REPORT C6airman Baumgartner pointed out the over L.500� <br />people had formal recrea[ion <br />programs. He noted tt�at this included the <br />Su�er and Fall Programs but did not include <br />attendance for Athletic Association affiliated <br />programs, S.P.A.R.C., Senior Citizene, Open <br />Gyms, or any cancelled programs. <br />SOINT PIXiFdtS AQtEFl�NT The D3rector informed the Co�ission ttiat the <br />agreement between the School District and City <br />of Mounde View was waiting the aQproval by the <br />�k621 School Board at the November 18t6 meeting. <br />LHAQ7E SURVEY For the next item the Director presented a le[ter <br />from Moka-Ramsey Community Collage clarifying <br />and reaffirming their belief in the validity of <br />the research and implementation of a park and <br />recreation survey carried out by The League of <br />Women Voters. <br />The College informed us that they would 6e more <br />tLan t�appy to appear at a general meeting to <br />ansver any other questions. <br />TAX FDRF6ITED LANDS Tlie last Etem on ehe agenda wae rnnsideration of <br />a list of Lande which were forfeited to tha State <br />of Minneaota in September of 1974 for non-paymant <br />of taxes. <br />The Director reported tlrat tAe Clerk-Administrator <br />reques[ed tUat the parcele be raviewed by the <br />Park and Recreation Commiesion for possible future <br />park land before council action wae taken. <br />It was the consenses of the Co�lesion ths[ ona <br />site be strongly wnsidered. (Code 59-00500-330-75) <br />as it borders Greenfield Park. The Director �s <br />d3rected to report back to the Clerk-Administrator. <br />AATOURNI�NT Motion by Co�iesioner Peteraon and aeconded by <br />Co�iBSioner Fedor to adjourn the meeting. The <br />motion passed unanimously. The Pask and Racrention <br />Co�iseion adjourned at 9:17 P.M. <br />Respectfully Suhmitted. <br />Douglas F. Bryant <br />Director oE Parks and <br />