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Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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MV Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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Memo To: Park � Recreation Commission <br />From: �011g <br />Date: August 28, 1975 <br />I�i develuping a P'aster Plan and prioH [y li�t for park development� vhlch <br />will constitute a beautifully comnleted naric system, We should elways keep <br />in mind for planning purposes :,nd analysis rhe funetional clessiflcation <br />end definition of the various levels of purk.^,. <br />In ger.eral there are three basic categories of parks Chnt relate to i�founds <br />\'3ews nreds ---- ���ighborhood, community. anri metropolttan, HoWever, ae <br />are most relacivc to the concep[ of neigl-�t•orhood parks. <br />Neiehburhood i'arks -*elatively small but in[ensively deveteped parks <br />havirg �as}' a�ceSSiSili[�� nf residents withi❑ a�!istance of no more than <br />thre�-fnur[hs mite in mos! cascs. �ize ma; ��ary fiom a portfon of a city <br />block cu several acres. hfosc sp2cc is put to some intensiva use as opposed <br />to large open landscaped areas. i�ei�hborhooc parks are further categorized <br />as nlaylots, playF;rounds, and playfields. <br />Plavlocs - are for use almost wh��ly by small children. Their size <br />averages rouGhly �wo acres in are::, and thejr functinn is to prbvide <br />olay facilities for small c'.�ildren wlio are not conveniently served by <br />by larger parFs. <br />tlavrrounds - arr usually about 5 acres in size and are designed for <br />use by eh:ldren frc�� pre-school to sge L2. :hey con[ain at least one <br />snftball diamond and a harc-surfaceti area with standards for basketbsll <br />and volleybzli. If space is available, playgrounds ma� contain a <br />wading pool, tennis court, playlot., znd a small shel[er with toilets. <br />Their radius of influence�s f.rom nn�+-fnurth to one-half mile. <br />Plavfields - vary in size from LO co 30 acr�s and are designed to provide <br />recre2cion opportunities for all ages. They cenCain all the facilities <br />of a p18VQTnrpd �Ius A[If�iY3oIlA� ball diamonds, �srRer shelters, tennis <br />cour:s, larger iiard surfaced aress For tadmintr,n ar.d shuffleuoard, <br />horseshoe cour[s, and a larec iandscaped area anu lighting for adult <br />evening use. T},eir radius of in*luence canges frnm one-half to three- <br />fourths mile. <br />Cor,ununitv Parks - relatively lar�;e parks usually havinE� natural amenities <br />and desfgned for cnrmmnity-vide social nnd recruatio�ial functions. Communi[y <br />parks are generally noted for such ec[ivities as pir.�icking, strolling, <br />swLnming, and active gaming. Lighted ateas for evening pla}� are provided. <br />In general community paTlcs have a much greater shaze of [heir arex left in <br />i[s naturai onen state thnn do nei�hSorliood parks. <br />Pfe[ropalitan Parks - very large perks, w', because of. their physical <br />at[ractiona nnd unusual development, proviue zecreation opportunities devel- <br />oped specificallp fnr a metropolitan area's needs, and which provide recrea- <br />tion interests thut are not normally eatisFied in neiRhbortood or comiminity <br />parks. Nunerous vieitors ere au racted to metropoliian parks irrespective <br />uf physlcal barriers to trevel or nf political bouncaries. N.etropolitan <br />parks provtde for tecreaUonal flctivi[ies tha� occupy the maj�r por[ion of <br />a day or�la,nger, auch sa canpin�, hiktnF, fisl:tng, nnd boating. In many <br />ceses relatively ]tttle devnlnpment uf factltlies is needeJ. .. <br />
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