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-3- <br />Greenfield Commissioners requested the Parks and Recreation <br />Tot Lct Director [o present a proposal for Greenfield Tot <br />Lot at the next meeting. <br />Woodcrest The completed conceptual plan for Woodcrest Park <br />Park/ was presented for commiasion review. Chairman <br />Conceptual Yeterson recommended that the trail easement be <br />Plan pursued as soon as possible. <br />Trails The Director reported that five residents had agreed <br />Committee to serve on a[rails committee. The trails commit[ee <br />would develop a plan which would identify the differ- <br />ent trail users within the city, the needs of each, <br />trail and multiple tsail coridors, and whether or not <br />a planning firm would be necessary to develop specific <br />details and drawings. <br />Bxyan[ also asked co�issioners if anyone was inter- <br />ested in chairing the trails meetings. Co�isaioner <br />Coplin said that she may be interested if times and <br />dates could be arranged. <br />Next, Bryant presented a trails proposal in concept <br />which would remain pending until the city wide drain- <br />age study was completed. <br />The concept reads, "Where ar[ificial channela must <br />be constructed to augment the natural drainage eystem, <br />such channels as mell as [he na[ural drainage ways <br />may be planned as par[ of a recreational trail ayetem. <br />Chennels ahall be designed [o be aes[hetically com- <br />pa[ible for recreational trail use." <br />The Director added that Chis proposal had been adopted <br />by [he Planning VV4YUioa�iSOR in concept only and that <br />no concrete diacueeion can be arrived at until aiter <br />the drainage etudy ie finalized. He concluded that <br />this 1s a long range idea but would definitely eave <br />money and [ime in the trail areae where drainege ways <br />and traile coincide. <br />Motion by Commieeioner Haeke and aeconded by Commieeioner <br />Burmeiater to adopt [he proposed trell concept end <br />therefore recommend [h1e concep[ be approved by the <br />Cicy Council. The mo[ion paseed unanimously. <br />Subdivisions Motion by Commiesioner Haake and secondad by Commi�sioner <br />Burmeieter [o accept caeh dedicatione to tha p�ek fund <br />in accordance wi[h ordinence 1142.07 and the City Compre- <br />hensive Plan. <br />Robert Waete <br />Schluter 6 Brogga <br />Lloyd Bardwell <br />Auguat Spitzer <br />The motion paesed unanimo�sly. <br />