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MV Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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v;� <br />y�, � <br />� <br />FIBNT TREE OISEASE For I-35W <br />� � � � TheMinnesoteDepatlmentof�ranaportat�onha50rapoaeOiMINNt� <br />Ths. apmb ol Du1cp Elm. anu pak Wi1t oixases is occwring at a o� nase Devien along Intantate Hig�way �35W in Mound;� Vsrt 1 <br />p�enomenal nte in the Twin�Cities ar�. You can nelp �o prevent the Minnasola DOT �u rece�wtl-IeAeral maicfiing IunAS ia such pqa <br />apreaU ot Meae tliseaaes. � and has GOnOucteO noi�e level 1e51s on :alY inlerstbte Nghw�y! mi <br />TwinCiEesarea � � . . . .. <br />NOw ia tlro time (DeCember througA PeDruary) ta do anY Oak tree � � � �� <br />pruning.DuringMisperioampnowisatite�oweslanGthepruninqcan T�el-35WnighwayseelioninMOUnASViewhaaEeenlountlwM <br />�eal wRhout aap baka. Sap kaka Irom wountls inflicteL by pruning in exce�aively �i9h noiee lewela. TMpropoiedbanrenwouWeetanAlr� <br />tMSpinqqeam�jorlourceolhaeinlatlioaRunoingsapaltreclsihe CounryRoaOM-2rolnewutnai0eolCountyHoatlfaMlromtneno <br />O�k Wilt tlialMe calryiny inaeCis. Pruni�g paint should be used on all s�tle ol Counly RoaE I to I�e naW Hig�wsy 10 inlereeqlionw�t�l-3! <br />tres cun. . - - - . � . . . . _ � . .. <br />StOfing Ii16w000 fOr the winter montlla alloultl be COne witlleare. Know <br />what rype ol lirewood you are storing. Only lirewooA irom Oak antl Eim <br />trees is dangerous. Do not use Elm lirewootl at all. The risF of spreatling <br />Dutch Elm Eixwe is too great. 08k �irewoo0 may Ee usetl but must <br />�ave its bark removeE while storing. otlierwise t�e bark Serves es a <br />hatC�ing�grounA fa insects that spreatl tree Uisease. Contactthe.Parks <br />an0 Recreation Oepartment. �843055. iiy0u neetl �NP i0l�5lityinqyour <br />tirewootl. <br />Pl�nning �nd Zoning <br />Applic�ilona <br />(Planning anC 2oninq Applications) <br />Aa ot DeCember 70M, tne follOwing request5 are pentling before the <br />ti Pl�nninq Commission an0 Ciry Council: <br />i PRELIMIWIHY PLAT — Mce HomesteaO AECition Il lot into 91 for <br />Nofberl Moe at 8373 Re0 Oak Drive. <br />REZONING — M change 6om R4 Single Family ResiOence OistriCl <br />Io B-2 R81sil Buaine53 DistriM D�oPeNY bCafeO et 2835 Highwey 10 <br />for e businass olfiu tlarelopment. <br />SPECIAI USE PENMIT AND RE20NING — to cliange from q-1 Single <br />f�miry�ResiAenea District to R-3 Ganerol Hesitlence Diatrictlor 30 <br />un:3:townhouae Aevetopment for Ernest Gustalson properly located <br />so�t� o( Couny Roed 1. between Etlgewootl Drive an0 Greentieltl <br />Ave.: a1M nor1� of Bromon brive. � <br />SNOW TIME <br />It �requirea approximetNy 10 houn to plow all city streets aNer a <br />snowlall. Counry Yosas aiM nei9�borlrooA collealor streets are given <br />� prqrity: lollowed by�resiAmtial streels. <br />69caulB of t11e tfamentlous time antl cosL it is impossible lor the cityto <br />clesr eacD Oriveway of snow. HesiCents are encourageE to tlelay <br />ebering thair tlrWeway enirances until the sireet has been ploweO. This <br />will SEVe the eeBd tO repBet the C�ore. <br />Vdrqn alsist snow removatop�raiiona by remrning your car Iram the <br />street efler a snow stwm. Parked vehicles hamDer plowing end Impede <br />emmganey vehiclas��:antl trallic Ibw. Vio�ators are tagging <br />a� towiny � � � � � <br />SOOWPIOW� OCCiOfoNlly hita mailbox. SOmetimef �.Mx wei9�t ol ihe <br />tnOW p�OwlOMlo:tlle EoulevarA will00ltroy a p0arlyinatalletl meilOOx. <br />�le many enes tM bo. is /rot ACe�D�opH he�gMbr O�et9nce irom ihe <br />curD. C11eCN y0ur mai160x to feB Ifiat� �1 �s properly. inatslletl. <br />The mout� ol thamail6oe a�ou1C� be in line wit� the cur0 or roa0 etlge. <br />T�e box� a�al�tlait between 3'�> an0 <'.:� tcet a0ore tfie. roaOway. T1re <br />supporlinp poet shoultl Ise at least 31eet away Irom theemb. Thisallows <br />ihe ploWi lo aWlep�near a� untler boees wilhout dameging supporfs. <br />�t a 6peaiH meati�g. Now tlie City C <br />ret�uMt 1M DOT to arect Iha �dae <br />eommenis ol alfeete0allizens. ThB81 <br />Couneil MemCer. calling city �all, or <br />Couneil meeting. <br />At present lunda are oMy aradabb to��ercct noiae bnr'ren alqq �. <br />interstate hig�ways. TheMinnesola OOT�.is:hope/ul lhat iuntlirtpw�ll b! <br />evailable lor sountlproo/ing ot�er �ignwsys in tlie luture: �.. <br />ZONING CO�E TQ BE REYISED <br />T�e City CounCil i6 inthefinal stagesof etl <br />The revisions are tlesigned to �Np impli <br />Compre�enaive Plen. A puDlic �earing on <br />lAyr.Cey, denuary �0: at 8A0 o.m.. at eNy <br />Maja revisiom proposetl i�wlutle plan�tl unit davebpment �� <br />regulations for miaetl-use 08veloDmeMS• iOCrease in tfle minimumsiZl�.�. . <br />ol Owellings that can be aonsCrueteA. �recraNionel wAiek pakinp I <br />regulations. detailetl screening requi�ements wherevarlWO dflleranY �.�� <br />uses abut ooe enother, garage reQUirementS IOf apertmiMS��N4 � <br />fown�ouses. increase in maximum height of commarohl stru�lulp�'..: <br />trom 3 to 10 slorie5. <br />A wPY ol tha OroposeE revisions is available for aep�nb intpsetion by :. <br />citizens at ciry helL � � � .. _ , , <br />6nentield Townhouse Proposal <br />A proposel to <br />�bedroom townhouses wim�garages. <br />7�e Counci6 afler a publip hseHng�De <br />approval t0 part of Me townhouaa pro <br />tAOSS lola. which aDUtl�e�reu linea o <br />e�oulE� not be lncNtled id the <br />The CWncil rezone0 tM ot�er 18 �ots im <br />Rssiden�e Oiahiet. T�is�.ton0ilioi <br />OetaileG aite.plyot and..exeeution of a tleVNi <br />plana� and� tM contreat wllf Da reviewe0�: <br />Commiuion arW Ci1y Council beloro tM� tov <br />aibweC b�begin. <br />He�lage Ceokbook C�rrectlon <br />m erra hti�l <br />okp6ok. Mi� <br />23.197$. Ma <br />ipa on papr:3 <br />Mpoon w1ioN <br />6ci. WNtofl <br />
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