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MV Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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Nousf'ng Cada <br />EMarcement Underway <br />A propnim to upgraAe twuiing uni!s tnrougn cotle enloreement is <br />unAarway ir. t�a Ciry. Tna CiN receivetl a 525.000 Community <br />DavsbDment B�ock Grant ro inapect all apartmant anA multipie <br />tlwelliny unib �n0 ro aurvey general �ousing contlitions in Mountls <br />View. <br />Tha Ciry aought this letleral aSSisUMe afler M8 Ciry Council sAOptetl <br />�n orAinanp esUblin�ing�minimum atanAartls br tlwHlings. The grant <br />will IunC tha firbt yeer of enlorcement of this ortlinance. T�eresfler <br />enb2ament is expecletl to require only routine ins0ection to assure <br />continue0 upkeep Ot dwellings. <br />OI tM 1.135 multiple Owelling units in t�e Ciry, over 40 percent �ave <br />Dee� inspectetl entl �ava either baen DrougM into comD��ance or are in <br />the.prOCatS of GOing so. TOe survey of ge�reral �ousing con0itions will <br />beyin aMrtly. T�e 9urvey will De bssetl uponexterior appearancesonly <br />Eut will help in t�e evaluation ot housing contlitions. <br />NEW CIT11 SI6N <br />WNATS HAPPENIN6 <br />To tind out what's Oappening in MounOa View read the Nsw�Bnghfon <br />Bulletin. your weekly newapeper. ThB Builetin is the ciry's aHieial � <br />newspspec All ciry lepal notieee apDesr�io the Bu0N1n in Wtlitiunit <br />provitles covem9e ol Ciry council meelings and ectiona, utivitieaof ths <br />Ramsey Coue"y Boartl of Commisaionen anClheMOUnds ViewSehoof <br />eoara. <br />Occasionally citizeos comment that t�ey were not awarethatthiaort�ei <br />is going on in the City. T�e Bullatin is ihe�beaf a0urq of such <br />inlormation. PuDlishetl every Thuratley it is availaDle Ey auDecriptlon eY <br />the coat of 59.50 per yeac Write lo the BWtefin. P.O. Box 280& Naw <br />Brigh[on, MN 55112. Indivitlual coples may Oe Durc�esad et many Iceel <br />eonvenience antl grocery stores. <br />There's Satety in Numbers <br />Doea your housa have a prominently numESM��II y0u <br />need �elp, will police, fire or ambulenee ctewa be aWS to quieky � <br />itlently your �ouae — daY or nighi? . <br />Complstionoft�enewcirysignanOreatlerDOerOieexpecteAaoon.The Reflectorized numbers wnie� proviAe eaay My and nipM tlms° � <br />sipn will beJighteA antl contains a changeeDk message boartl. lt was identifiption are available in ma�y storea. They will auureyoU ofmOre .. <br />funAatl.byastategrantofSs.00UanArevenueageneratetlbyevents xfery.HellectivenumEersatleast4inchesinh6igMarorocommsndW. <br />COnOUetsd 'oY � n+W��d Vio�a 9io^er.7��nie! Gomeni.zien. A hearly . <br />thmkf alroulA yo M ihe Commisaion iw the many MuB iheyworketlto Stsntl in the street ana iooK ai your Nouse numbeu It it is hard to ees: H <br />make tM aign poasib�e �oultl cost a lile in en emergency. IS IT WORTH 1T7 . . <br />CITY AOOPT31977 BUD6ET <br />Tha Ciy Council rea�enty atlopte0 a general funtl buAget ol s802,580. <br />Tha WOptad buAqet: will nkassitate. a properly)ex incre�e tor. city <br />asrvieqaot /.27 millsoraboutS2.57per momh moreonaf36.000wlued <br />Mo�nA� Visw MmMb W. Tnia ia fns amailest annu�l inersets in tMCity <br />portiqf ol the properly. tax aince 1972. <br />TM� 7877 DuEpat wilt maintain exiating service levels anA a modest <br />rppoMe �to public dem�MS lor expantletl aervicea. It proviCes <br />continuation.of prognma begun in 1978 to upgratle tlog aontrol. <br />DITY OF MOUNDS VIEW RAMSEV COUNTV <br />i5a z�s <br />,� � �� <br />City ot:MOUnds Yiew <br />2401 �H�ghway M 10 <br />Mouads V�ew�. Minnesota 551 12 <br />nuisance abetemenL reereation setivitiee, enginaering aervius, enA <br />financial cOntrol. <br />One additional police. pstrolman wid' ba� hiretl. Poliee.�Wlt �we <br />incieasetl 27 percent in ths Ppf yen uutinp.� shortps.of m�nlpws � <br />availaDle lor investiyefiqn and juvenile eervieas. <br />Below is art illusnation of the eatimatatl: tllelriDUtion oL:your 79fl <br />properlY uz dollar. A copY o/ t6e entiro�bu0pet with compNM MUiI is <br />available for puDlit inspeetion at the eity MIL. �� . <br />MOUNDS VIEW � � <br />SCHOOL DISTRICT <br />5ia <br />1.'�ytai <br />� � <br />SPECIAL <br />DISTRICTS <br />�a <br />u ,. <br />Paul. <br />e IDB <br />
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