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_. <br />lEMO T0: Mark � <br />FROM: Bruce <br />DATE: January Tb, 7978 <br />RE: Lakeside Park Camnission <br />Aftep revlewing the current status and past history of the 6akeside Park <br />Commission, the following has come to light: <br />1. Lakeside Park is an extremely valuable comnunity resource as it <br />presently is the only lake frontage available for aquatic activities <br />serving the City of Mounds View and Spring Lake Park. In addition <br />it is the only park that provides tennis courts, tot lot, ballfields <br />and picnic area for family programning. <br />2. The existing LakesSde Park Comnission is not operating as effective <br />as it possibly could be due to: <br />a. Poor attendance at Comnission meetings <br />b. Lack of professional expertise <br />c. Apparent dissension amongst existing members <br />3. There is no long range goals or master p7an developed for Lakeside Park. <br />4. Attendance at Comnission sponsored programs has dropped in recent years. <br />5. Operating costs are increasing yearly. <br />With the aforementioneC criteria in mind, staff would recomnend the following <br />plan of actton for the development and upkeep of Lakeside Park. <br />1. Chapter 50 of the Mounds View munlcipal code should be reviewed and <br />updated by the City Councit. <br />2. The Lakeside Park Comnission should remain the "governing authority" <br />over Lakeside Park with the foilowing board makeup: <br />a. Park and Recreation Directors from Spring Lake Park and Mounds Wew- <br />b. City Councilperson from each city <br />c. A representative from each City Park and Recreation Comnission <br />d. One member at targe from each comnunity <br />Each of the Commissioners woutd be official appointees from their respective <br />City Councils. <br />Tfie Commissions role wouid be official appointees from their respective <br />City Councils. <br />The ComMsstons role would be policy and advisory oriented with legal authority <br />remaining with each respective City Council. <br />3. One municipatity or county should be appolnted as the responsible agent <br />for overseeing the day to day operations of Lakeside Park to tnclude, <br />melntenana, program and long range pTannfng. <br />