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MV Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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�`�e Role of <br />�ecreation <br />G. Bur(on Hmu'n <br />1 would like �o share with yoa some �hinkin3 <br />about Ihe role of a Park and Recreatiun <br />Advisory Board. II all parnes don't have <br />muCh ihe same expectation, detertnming <br />the board's funcfion can was[v �ime and <br />possibly split a board and staH. <br />1 have seen and worked with well-qualified <br />board members wfio acted as if they did not <br />know what the adviwry board's role was. I <br />too have beem m�fused about ihis trom time <br />to [imeJ thinl: the ceason (or this confusion <br />is that it is easy io lose sight ot the role of the <br />commission. One does what s on the <br />agenda. One becomes involved in projects <br />and committed ro programs. One feels <br />responsible when (riends or fellow ci�izens <br />have com0�aints ur suggestions. And, it <br />doesn't make much sense to smp and ask: <br />"Wha� am I supposed ro do?" <br />Recenily it has occurred to me that the <br />adoiwry commission is similar to the board <br />o( d'vectors of a mrporanon which, even if <br />� yrouareadirecrorolacorporation,wouldn't <br />neccessarily tell you much Eadi mrp� <br />oration is diHerent and their ooards also <br />have �heir a9endas and they, too, may neve� <br />stop tu azk what ihey are supposed to do. <br />Boards today are chanyng iheir ihinki�g <br />about what they should do. Bw, the M>ard of <br />directors anaba�, even though slippery. <br />may be a refemce point to which one can <br />retum ro help shape an answer. <br />Why dces an enrerprise need a board of <br />directors? According to Peter Druckec' <br />wel4respected autFwrity in the field of <br />business management [here are three tasks <br />(or which a mmpany needs a board. <br />1. Firsq ihe enterprise needs a review body <br />— somebudy to make sure that top <br />management thinks thmugh what ihe <br />company's business is and what it should <br />be. Sumebody to make sure objectives <br />are set and strategies dweloped. Some- <br />bodyi to look aitically at the planniny of <br />the companY, its caPital invest��nf <br />policy, its managed expendiwres budyet. <br />$omebody to watch the organizatioiis <br />spirit. <br />• 2. Se�undly, a 6oard is neede�i to remove <br />top management that lails to per(orm. <br />� And this doesn't rnean just incompr <br />tence, but failure to pedorm :u weli as <br />'+ mighl be -�- as well ns uriit•�y dentmtds <br />� these ciays. <br />� 3.'fhird,theeMerynseneedsa"publicand <br />, mmmunity reL�trons" bdy. &�meMuiy <br />to make sure ihat mmmunily and com <br />sumers know whal il guing nn in Ihc <br />enteryrise. wha� i1s problams .md its <br />��licies �nd its plans ar.�. SomebodY �o <br />help managcment know whal �h�• Publir <br />undrrstands, misunders��nds, seas, �nJ <br />questions. <br />I( Ihese are �he tasks o( a Lward ol dire<lors. <br />what dces this sug9es� atwut an adviwry <br />board or rommission? 1 ttnnk 1 can (ind a� <br />least ,uur usel'�I ideas in ihe abiwe analoyy. <br />The first is �hal �he park and recreatiun <br />board has the (olluwing lwsic taks. <br />• Ta review Wlicies, ohle�lives and <br />proyrams. Take a hard Iw�k at ihe spiril anA <br />the philosophY and Ihe organizafional aetup <br />and the staf(. <br />�• To communicate, and that means lis�en <br />iou. with �he Pu(.Lc abuw Prohlrna and <br />plans. <br />• To be Prepared ro act i( thc Inn9-run <br />interesis of �he park and reara�ioNunction <br />(Fiyore I) <br />in the community are not being served. <br />Fzacily hrnv and when mdo these thingswill <br />vary with the sduation, anc wil! probably be <br />f.�idy easy io delermire once it is clear what <br />b�a�rd members nre supposed to do. OI <br />rourse, if you are an advisory board, you <br />don't have thn authority to �ake action on <br />your uwn. Bui if you have the �acts, and <br />preseN them pmpedy, get[ing� the City <br />Council to take action should beatormality: <br />The semnd lesson ro be learned in the <br />an�l� is to stick to policy and Iet the <br />protessionals handle the day-to-day <br />prartice. II ie surprisingly diKcul[ to do thi5. <br />Sticking lo policy dces �at mean that you <br />aren'� supposed to knrnv what is going on. <br />In lact it means that yau have a dury ro <br />know whal is happening. (See Diagram). <br />On the le(I�hand o( the dia<yam are the <br />{wlicy maners with which zn advisory board <br />member should deal. On th� right are the <br />praciices which tall inro the area o( st3(( <br />aclivdics. <br />Cil'RENS <br />POIICY I PRIICTICE3 <br />Cwnc110elern�ines I St�fllmplemmLL <br />Pollcy � � Pollcy <br />� � W <br />P d RC Revlews a Pp�CTI�E3 <br />Pormul�lea Pallcy I Propr�mt <br />Pxmneel <br />T � 8upmrblon <br />Caamunic�lan <br />I Epuipm�m <br />In�hlltlion <br />P E RC eMCk� lo �ee Cantlruclion <br />whtl�er polkry Is � MNnUnma <br />hNn0lmpl�m�Med �— Ilaauminp <br />praperly In Pncllee � Ek. <br />� <br />CRIZENS <br />�§ <br />
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