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'The City Council detertnines paiicY h:�scA <br />on the recommendatiuns o( its Park and <br />Recreation Cummission. The Pa�k and <br />Recrealion Commissicm monimrs ehr <br />implementation of q�liry to det�rnnnv <br />whether it is bem9 carried ou� properly. <br />If Ihe mmmission leels piiicv is no� being <br />properly imylemeNed. it should nat trll Ihe <br />sl�ll what la do. Instead. n shnuld guther Ihe <br />lac�s and dcriAe wh�•ihrr �� wnnis w <br />recummend �hanyiny thc poliry. <br />Nolire �ha� m �hc diagram �hric is nn direct <br />line Imm the ntizens lo anY �1 Ihe <br />orgarnzalional hoAms. As I sev il, none nl <br />Ihvs¢ has an inherent adomna9v ovrr Ihe <br />othvn m knowiny wSat ihc puMic wani�. <br />But all upem�r within the dnmam nl pubL. <br />approval and all h rve a dmy ro a. t in the Ir.t <br />interest of Ihr cnizens as �hose mlereas nre <br />unJersttiud. <br />[3uard ut I�vrc�ors is going �o chyck to eee <br />whciher the yolicies i� halpcd to furmuln�e <br />are hriny rm ried nut, it mu.1 hnve a rlear <br />iJea u( exa�tlY whet cunsli�ules e((cilive <br />pnGc4 unplvmenlaliun. One waY tu rlanh/ <br />�hu is in wud< with �he dep.�rimvN tri <br />rstahhsh s�mcdic uhiectives m surh a way <br />ihei rasuhs.'nn br nicasured. <br />Fur rsantPle. IcYs saY 9uu Iurmul,�ic a �wliry <br />ul nllrriny thv w�desl ry�ssldr re�u�r nf <br />rv�rvnhun i�ruy�.mis lur a v.rti�•IY ul <br />recrratiunnl iMrre+ls. SuunJ. quixl. Lut <br />huw wuuld v��u knnw il rfn+ �wLrY i� I�einy <br />i'arricd oitl? Onc waY wuidA hr In sr1 an <br />uhjri��ive n( ,iddinq pruymms m at Ieas� <br />Ihreu apecified iNricsi arres. Ur anwhcr <br />way wuuid be �n �ha�sr . pppulaliun <br />seym��nt Ynu suspect mev Ire urylected. <br />deeise proyr,nns i•+peaallY for �hem and <br />count reyistralions. <br />The Ihird sugyesr.un I can make is m ut Thvlourthmidlinalollheidersgrowingout <br />kmards: Sometimes City$ouncil <br />that certain constiencies���sl <br />rvpresenled on park and recreati <br />Accordmy to Drucker, "the�� <br />dirn tnrs �hould reprrsenl nuanr <br />'ic long� term interests o� ihe en <br />Ihink Ihat aVVlies to park and <br />buards as well. <br />The M�ard should have the musl capablr �� <br />peuple availahle. They shouW be willing to � <br />work, tu auend meetings, to think hard and � <br />ia rk� humewurk. And they should �wl serv¢ � <br />spe�ial hilere�is to the exclusion of or in <br />up�wsilion tu Ihe yenudl iNere51. <br />Su, thr nuxl lirne �he 4ueslwn comes up . <br />alx�u� ihe mle of �he P, �k and Recreation <br />[i��ard, think of it as the Board ol Dirxrors. <br />ut an enterprise. It rtwy be help(uL � <br />1. Dmcker, Peteq M�nogement Tasks, <br />Hes�nsibili�ies, ond Ractices. � � <br />ubjetlives lor ihe communiry s park mid ul ihc Inerd o( Airedurs analogy aPVlics tn <br />re.:reationproyrammurderthatresuhscan ihrrompu<itiunultheBo.irditu�iL'fhese 2.Ibid � <br />be measured. If our Park and Rccrcatiun days, rorpora�imis are (evlin9 pressures to <br />/!•f'. �I.�L'_J _— — <br />O �-.. O <br />o neuusfronts <br />11RP0'S POSITI0110t1 THE H11DDI[APPED <br />Patricia Warden <br />"For mo bna handicapped peoplc have <br />been deprived ot a righ� to an educatiun; for <br />U�o long handirapped people have been <br />exduded irom Ihe W»�biLry of jobs and <br />employment whece they muld support <br />themselves; lor lou !ong handicapped <br />people have been kept out uf huildin9s, have <br />been kept off uf streets nnd sidewalks, have <br />been exduded tr��m private :md pubLc <br />Iranspor�a�iun and have bcen depnved ol a <br />simUle nght. in n�any instances, jus� tn <br />wmmumcaie wrth ur.e anu�her ... and 1 say <br />ro you tom9h� the I�me for discnnnnalion <br />a9amst ihe handicapped in the United <br />Slates is over." <br />Those werr the words of Pmsident Can.�r <br />as he opened the liret White Housc <br />Conference on Nandicapped Indniduals in <br />May o� 1977. John H. Davis, Ezecu�ive <br />Director ol NRPA, was NRPA's olficial <br />observer at ihe conference whece Mickey <br />Chris�iansmi. Recreation TherapisP. <br />DcxvneY. Calibmia. PresemeA the uffici.l <br />NRPA �o�itbn paper I�dopted by the <br />NRPA &>ard of imstees in ApnU. <br />The NRPA pninon paper callvd (n� the <br />lolbwiny adiun: <br />• A natronal prugram shouW M rstnLlisM•A <br />to lacilitate recmltmenl, empluymem, nnd <br />fraining ol handicapped citizens in all areas, <br />inrluding parks and cetreatica. Such <br />assis�ancc should indudr finarrcinl aid hir <br />education and trainin9lor � arrers in �arks <br />and recreation. <br />• Govemmem al all levels, es well as Ihe <br />private se<'�or. �hould be encnuraged �u <br />extend curtpnl pruytanu to promde <br />�inanrial assislance lo privale and puhlic <br />a9encie� serviny 6andkapped citiernti. <br />• The Rureau ol EAu<'ntiun fur ihe <br />Handii�aplx•d and other �rdurel units shntJJ <br />suhst.mhallY ����'rrasc Imidmg nl4 iialinns L n <br />ra.r-r.uch tu nn'rcasr undvrslandmg ul the <br />I.�clu�s cuntrihuling to 5uli+1V���4 rcrrcahun <br />{r.n'tu'ipaiiun fur h�mdicnp�x�d �H�r�ons. <br />• A mechanisiu shwdd 1�• rmaiod lo �um <br />authorities at thv Irdurnl. ztal�• .nx1 4rnl <br />Irvel in a rnnm�un etlurl ln la� iG�ale vllvrl rvr <br />resuurce uhhzalem wilh rr+�xrt lu Ihe <br />cuordmaBun� uprrabun. and nnVle <br />menlahun nl rrrrraliun anJ Icisure <br />programn and lur hanAi� nP�M�d <br />a'ilir.cns. <br />•'fhr Pn•.k6�m i. ur�d in dharl Ihr <br />l�lhutnu•N ol 7'mnsprtUfiun w �Lvclop <br />.md .�d.M�l an alhrnialive .x�uun �w�li..y <br />ny�arJm9.urrssibiGry �is rrlat�xl In Inurism <br />and udwr Iv�sm�� raq�rx�ncv� ihqa•mMnt <br />II�MqI IIM' VAfN�11N I011liti I�I If•III��NIf1.1�Ni0 <br />und��� 0� P�nxGclxni .1nA ronlrol. <br />Il <br />• Federal fina�ial supporl shouW be made <br />available to eslaWish ¢Hxtive mxhanisms <br />tu enforce compliance wilh existing <br />aicessibilily legislation particularly in <br />rela�iun to parks, recceation and related <br />leiau��e areas and lacilities. . <br />• Organizalions like Ihe NRPA shuuld . <br />hecame mure involved in ihe devebpment �. <br />of 6•9islaliun tlwt Is �esMmsive tu Ihe needs <br />and expeclnGuns of the handu:apped. <br />• 'I'he Wh�te Hause Conference planners <br />and dele9��lcs shuWd recagnize the <br />mes�imhale values .�nd benefi�a that leisure <br />cuunx�ling can snntribute to �he health und <br />w�-0I lainy ol all handirapped cilizens and <br />m.d<r pnduciive delerminations and <br />,uLu�yuent recommendations ihat will <br />ii ixti,ryile the planniny and fundiny o( leisure <br />� uunsrfinJ Pruqr.�ms and sen��ces at the <br />Ireleral. s�ate and I�xal level. <br />• The White Hewse Con(erence �Aanners <br />un�l Jeleyites shouid include provieions lor <br />thr grcatesl {ussible �involvement� of <br />mnccrnrd or�anizations such as tFfe�NRPA <br />in rnnlerence "follow�uD � `�d "feedback" lo <br />�ulw.�nlc a�ul build upon the needs �and <br />a�� �xnplishnuenb resulting hom ihe Whrte <br />Huuse Conlerence nn Handicapped <br />Indivduals. <br />� „_ <br />
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