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Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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MV Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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Parke & Recreation Commissioners -2- <br />� <br />December 6, 1977 <br />The training sesaion proved Co be a valuable training tool for each of the <br />city participants. A co�lete report liating City priorities and action <br />plana, is available in the resource file. <br />3. Capital Improvement Program Update - As per the Council and Commisaion <br />recommendatlon the following capital improvemente have been completed in <br />19 7 7: <br />1. Greenfield Park - Wa[er line <br />2. Gr�enfield Park - Baseball field 4', wire fencing, <br />eafety purpoaes <br />3. Hillview Park - seasonal hackey boards <br />4. :loodcres[ Park - widen driveway and replace culvert <br />5. Woodcrest Park - parking lo[ (gravel) <br />6. Two bleachere <br />7. Lambert Park - 1 aet of hockey ne[s <br />S. Hillview Park - 1 ae[ of hockey nets <br />9. Civic Center Park - 1 drinking fountain - atubbed in <br />'_0. Greenfield Parking lot <br />11. Greenfield Park - 2 bleachera <br />TOTALS <br />SudBeted Cost <br />$5,000.00 <br />1,700.00 <br />3,000.00 <br />1,350.00 <br />550.00 <br />1,000.00 <br />220.00 <br />220.00 <br />1,000.00 <br />995.00 <br />750.00 <br />$18,785.00 <br />*Theae moniea were budgeted out of [he Revenue Sharing Account. <br />Actual Coet <br />$6,400.00 es <br />1,550.00 <br />2,950.00 <br />660.00 <br />550.00 <br />1,170.00 <br />220.00 <br />220.00 <br />771.90* <br />995.00*��- <br />630.00*��� <br />$18,056.90 �. <br />There was one item not completed this year and [hat was the sodding of the <br />infield at the Greenfield Basebsll field and the pi[chera mound at Greenfield. <br />Thie project w111 be a firat oriori[y in [he Spring, so that the field will be <br />ready for play in 1978. <br />4. Comm�mity 6ducacion Update - There wae a Community Educa[ion Advisory Committee <br />meeting on Thursday, November 10. Following a slide preaentation on the Mounds <br />Vlew Community Education program, four task force commi[teea submitted their <br />reporte: <br />a. Chippewa CoordinaLOr - no report <br />b. Capital Outlay - They adopted a liet of proposed comm�mity expendituree of <br />$13,000. Mounde View aubmitted one reques[, that being the upgrading of <br />the Edgewood Ballfielde, our request was denied. A complete list of the <br />adopted iteme can be found in the reaource file. <br />c. Extrecurrlcular - Thie committee report was often conaiderable diecueeion <br />by the committee. A copy of the committees reco�endatione may be revieved <br />in the reeource file. <br />d. Reeource Center - Beca�:se of time conetraints, this subgect was not covered <br />and wae aleo tebled until the December Bth meeting. A complete copy of the <br />propoeal to make New Brighton Elementary a Co�unity Reeource Center can <br />be found in the reeource file. <br />5. Foreetrr Crant - We eubmitted the Shade Tree Program grant to the Deparement of -� <br />Agriculture ae required by the State on November 14. The grant providea for <br />S3I,865 in the eenitation phaee end $2,520 in the replanting phaee. The grant . <br />baeically Se epproved "ae ie" and is baaed en actual coete in 1977 and projectione . <br />far 1978. The grant !e ueed to baee our allotted reimbureement to the private <br />homeowrere for the removal of diseaeed treee (37X in 1977). <br />A cooQlete copy of the grant propoeal is in the resource file. <br />
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