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t�MO T0: Mounds View Parks and Recreation Commission <br />FROI4: Bruce K. Anderson, Director <br />DATE: January 20, 1978 <br />RE: Monthly Upda[e - Januacy 1978 <br />The purpose of this repor[ 1s to keep the Parks and Recreation Commissian <br />informed on current iseues within the Parke, Recreation and Forestry <br />Depar[ment that do not need official Commission action. <br />A resource file of related items w111 be placed in the Ci[y Hall office <br />and is available for review upon requeat. <br />1. Job Description - Staff is presently in the process of reviewing <br />and re-writing job descriptions for all depar[mental poeitions. <br />The �ob�deacriptiona will be used in conjunction with the Ci[y <br />Wide perFormance review system which is presen[ly being formulated. <br />The timeline for comple[ion of the job description and performance <br />review guidelines is March 28, 1978. <br />A copy of [he first drafe job descrip[ions of all departmental <br />ataff can be found in [he January resource file. <br />2. Bikeway Gxant - We received word from Mn DOT that they had received <br />our preliminary grant application and are in the process of priori- <br />tizing the applica[ions at this time. According to Mn DOT's timeline <br />we will be notified ae to Mounda View's status sometime in early <br />February. <br />3. Bid Openiag - The bids for [he remodeling of the city hall basement <br />were opened on Thuraday, Januery 19. A ataff report is aow being <br />prepared and hopefully the projec[ will begin before the montha end. <br />The basement remodeling encompassee new recrea[ion offices, a <br />co�ounity room and poasibly bathroom facilities. The new office <br />location mill be warmly welcomed so that we can have our e[aff all <br />officed out of one room. <br />4. Bocce Ball Sets - Staff prepared a shor[ resolution to be aubmitted <br />before the City Council for the acquisition of 2 Bocce Ball sets £mm <br />the State of Minnesota. Goverrtor Rudy Perpich hae set aside hie 1978 <br />ealary increaee for the purchase and distribution of Bocce Ball se[s <br />to [hoee co�unitiee requeating the eame, through City Council reaolutione. <br />5. Tree program - Staff has been corresponding with DeaPeres, Miseouri <br />in regardn to the feaeibility of a City Tree dedication policy. The <br />exieting program in DeaPeres ia a simple one: <br />a. If a city reeident wiehea !o donate a tree to their park eyatem eltAer <br />ae a gift or memorial they contact the Recreation office. <br />