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Vievu P�in# : Le�sure �r��s o� �e Thi� <br />�he Holistic Approach: The Recre�tion Move <br />.;an Leisure Services Become A Human Service Pe� <br />All Things to All People <br />ev <br />Nlehsrd Rodds, SuqNntsndenrol Recreerion,Teanack,NewJersey <br />For ths rNatWa coneervative in a fast <br />growing fiNtl ot flecreation and Park Atl- <br />minbtration, there hae been concern regar- <br />Eing 9oab end objectives sou8ht antl prac- <br />tieetl bY Contemporerin. <br />We ara told that all indications point to <br />en expaneion of aroae of reeponsibility tnat <br />Bre to incl�d� tlixiplinea which, in timas <br />pest, wxe lah w those ey�erts de0icatetl to <br />en0 etlutated in t�ose tlisciplinas. We ara <br />now tol0 that thox who do not become in- <br />wlvetl in, eduuted for and activiacs lor a <br />wide expanaion oi services embracing all <br />from plenned paranihood to gerianics anE <br />every[hing in Eatween that the professional <br />worlC will paas them bY entl for cettain they <br />will be cryinp in tha wildernesa. <br />Very slron8 Oos'vions hava been iaken <br /> thia wncept. �hey may well De <br />vatid. Aasuming thia ta be the case, great <br />•pathy mus� po in aeveral directions. The <br />.t is ro the educaton w�o are making <br />every eHOrt to encourage young people to <br />bui10 their future In perks, recreation and <br />conurvation. <br />The educators ara very much embroiled <br />in the Oevelopment of Darks entl recreation <br />as a O�ofesaion. We ware mld same years <br />a0o that a D�a���on infere - tlemanOS - <br />mastery of an accepted 6ody ot knowledga <br />directly rMStad to ths tlixipline. Opiniona as <br />w wha� wnatitutes the accepte0 botly of <br />knowledge has heen discussed for years by <br />all intereatad anC, es thie is written, �here <br />has Deen linla known unanimity o/ opinion. <br />In the meantims, studants ara attanAinp <br />claases anA abaorbinp coune material con- <br />tem. Tests aro contlucted, rexarch papen <br />wbmitted end examinetiona given, taken <br />anA paasatl or fai�ed. Degrees are qrantetl, <br />internshipa servetl antl caraers launched. <br />EmOathy must aleo be direcfed at ihe <br />atudmt who, at the outseq eapresses e <br />dmire to make a future in the area en- <br />comPessing parks, racreation and con- <br />6ervation. <br />The curritulum material Oresently offe�eG <br />is most compmhenaiw, as it must ba, ro <br />nA^Quately preDare tha stutlent for e major <br />� ��. � .�nd operation of n <br />a�ccesz(ul eMpei�ence. $pace here will not <br />permh a tlwrouph delineation ol materisl in- <br />UudeO. M eAou10 be noted, however, that <br />the broala tM roN of the Administralor, <br />the groata tha wuna cantem. ihe greater <br />a�w ara 1M requimments o� thox to <br />present the material. If areaa formeAy <br />888ocieted With Sotiel work responsibilitias <br />are to be added ro the assigneE tasks ot <br />thosa responaible for parks, recreation anE <br />conservation, then it woulE seem that staH <br />additions in departments wou1C Ee a <br />D�erequisite far successtul operation. <br />�t has been poinretl out that in the State <br />of New Jersey, af those communities being <br />served by lull-time year-round re[reation <br />and park personnel, 85% have a population <br />of leu than 25,000. Most are "one man" <br />departments which means that the perwn <br />in charge has fhe responaibiliry for <br />acpuisition, developmant, pro8ramming, <br />supervision, administration antl all else <br />relatetl to the operation. Somehow, tha per <br />son Is e�pected also to be available et least <br />to local clubs and organizationa, serva on <br />boartlf or committees, be active in the <br />religious institution of his/her faith and a <br />good family person. Additional time is to 6e <br />devoted to Orotessional davelopment by at- <br />tentling saminars, conferencea o� meetings <br />related to recraetion, Darks antl con- <br />serva[ion. Frea time beyond that, no tloubt, <br />is e.paaee to be used for personal <br />reCreation to set en ezemple fOr the rest of <br />tha communiry. <br />T�8 person is eepetteE to Ee an authority <br />on park tlesign, buAgetirg 125% worth of <br />services wit� 90% a00ro0riatbn. know alt <br />�elevant facts abou[ Ohysiwl, wciai, <br />cultural and hobCy intarestn for those from <br />pra�seh0ol to eenior citizen. <br />To spraed thia peraon yet thinner Dy ad- <br />tlinq a"holistie" apD�oach to hie assign• <br />ment may subject the anthusiastic anE lear- <br />ned iCealiat to mors than was bargained for. <br />Incidentally, tha term "holiaNi ' hes baen <br />used of lete by a limited numDx of thox <br />who might Ee classified as practitionen. <br />Ot queetions - anA Uemandn - made by <br />constituents urveA by Recreation an0 Perk <br />DeDartmana, most hava to do with <br />tacilitiea, proDram, maintenence end leader� <br />ship. "Cen we Aave another pool, ball fielA, <br />picnic erea, opsn epace, neture centa, im <br />door lacility, senior citizan center, place 1or <br />��,�r ��I��=�t1 trCtf°�12" otc. ap inl�niFUm. <br />"la It oot Ooulble Por the melntenence <br />peoDle to rapair damages inflicted bY �an� <br />dals withWt ehu[ting down en enlire <br />lacilily7 <br />Cont. on vep. �. col. t <br />by <br />Jeck FoleY. Supt. o/ Rxreanon, CuNr Ciry, CsbYOn <br />The rxreation and perk movement fs not <br />immune to the wCiel and econOmie naues <br />that tlominaro aa our country entere in thir6 <br />century. Maving concludW a national tla <br />ba[e and election last fall, solutians are de- <br />veloping for economic problems, high un- <br />employment, eHicienty in governmsnl, <br />crime, pouerty, racial en0 ethnit harrtwny <br />entl marat leadership. Our inner chy popu- <br />tations ere okan reptab witlr alienetion, <br />emotional tleprivalion, high crime, unem• <br />D�oyment and a diaintprateA sense o� com- <br />munity. Citinns in urben America are <br />bacoming increasingly mobile, fleeing Ihe <br />innar City, involved in changing family rela• <br />tionahipa and lifealylea, ezpnienting naw Or <br />altared pattarns of houaing, work antl lei- <br />sure, and am entwined in changing value <br />systema. <br />The quas[ion being asketl amony many <br />reeeeation end perk D�es+fonala ie: Can <br />the leiwre eervites model cope in a perio0 <br />of rapid aocial erM ewnanic change7 We <br />are wknessing e sociel revolution tAet haa <br />altered tha consciousneu of women, <br />minorNiM, eWerly, gay people, handica0ped <br />and the young. Thex poweAul cocial forces <br />are claahing with traditionai values at a time <br />when wme perk and retteetion persons are <br />awaking to ths enormou� potenriel of <br />leisure for human devebpment, mennl <br />health, and coneervatbn of human snd <br />ph�MIWII080UfCP5. <br />I[ is this potsno.l (hq dslinN our htun <br />end will de�xm���. our rols in Amxic�'� <br />third cenwry. Racmtion end pnk apmcia <br />must c�oosa batwsen oHUMp s �eheAula <br />of leisure eervice�, tekinp ears M our parks <br />ar dedpninp om �arvlus m mske psopls <br />atronper and Improvin0 th� Iiv7ng �nviron• <br />ment of our communkias. <br />One o0��mistic trend it the �vowinp <br />ewarenese in recent W�n tMt ons of ths <br />mose prednp problams Ixfnp loeal povarn• <br />ment i� ths dMiwry ot senien ro mM tM <br />inereaein0 bciel neaAS Inhsrant in Ilvinp in <br />tha seventiee. <br />Some ci17n in Calilornia aro now elJhinB <br />Irom meetinp tha mo�t bmic humen nsetl� <br />- tire, paiice end community develoDmen� <br />- to nuxmpis 10 addresa e vast aqey. pl <br />, i'sl i�cues. One roason is ih3 !.I <br />shift IndaraY flnanclal esslaronea m�.iiiex <br />and caunties Irom the tratlilional catsflori- <br />cul lundinp �o block grante. Anot�er reawn <br />is the dose Orawimity of thin to its cititen�. <br />whero ci�izen� ean eaMly IASntify and <br />