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Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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MV Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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TI'[LE e��m�+ Services <br />"1ViHOR Jaek Foley <br />DRAI�T & 2 <br />DATE Sep[. 16, 1977 <br />YAGE 2 <br />The pucpose of this position paper is to addtess the reereation and <br />park movemant Sn the conte:ct of aocial and econovic lssues of the late 70's. <br />A period of dvindling governmental reaou=ces, increasing gosial problems, <br />trende-towards local initiative and responsibility, and a feeling that govern- <br />ment must become more efficient and productive. 'A'he disparity between need. <br />.and resoucce has forced nev social alliances, the nced to coocdinate end <br />mobilize resources in public and private sectors, the integratian oF social <br />delivary syatema, and demanda nea responsiverass to eitizen involvement. <br />These developmea[s coincide wi[h a renaissance taking place among park and <br />recreation professionals that seeks a return [o se[tlement hause and YHCA <br />definitiona of re-creation--that is, recreation end park experiences,tha[ <br />promote human development, social welfare, co�unity tohesion, racial hatmony, <br />end soCial responsibili[y. <br />The cornerstone of the human service policy sta[ements is understanding <br />the enornaus potential of recrea[ian ac[ivity to enhance self-conr_epC artd the <br />development of a holis[ic approach to broader progxam orientatioo and the <br />adop[iort of coo�era:ive mull'i-service delivery sys[ems. TF�e position state- <br />men[s promo[e social planning as an ivrpoxtant link between current and [radi- <br />tional modfls for selec[ing and prioriCizLng services and envisions expanded <br />roles for urban park professionals--a role whtch goea__beyond Che maintenar,ce <br />and development of park systems and addresses the beautificatton, physical <br />zevitaliza[ion, na[ucal and cul[ural preserva[ion, and open space needa of <br />our urban co�unities. The sta[emen[.^, ask tha: park and recreatinn pzofessionals <br />wozk vith urban and xedevelopmen[ pla��ners and housing experts by articulattng <br />the economic�and humun valuea of trees and landscape and social space environ- <br />ments. Recxeation and par6.professionals will asswie more reaponsib37.ity, <br />defining an.urban environment [hat encourages human IntrracCion and improvza <br />the livability of cities. Recreation and park profeseionals will bring to - <br />this alliance a history of successful in[eraction vith community Er�ups and <br />citiuns that can bridge [he gap between planners and those for vhom they <br />plan. Yarks and recreation�people, especially among local government agencies, <br />have the cloaeat tres and the most intimate contact witli citizena, foxming a <br />natural basa for citizan participation. � <br />Finally, human service policy statements are a political decument which <br />seeks common cause vith environmentalists, hunan service providars, volunteerism,_ <br />mental heal[h professionals� xr,J citizen aJvocates, and stril:es a plea Eor a <br />nev activism by the tecrea[ton nnd park movemen[ nn behalE of Che people ve ', <br />serve. <br />I[ is unders[ood [ha[ ihe hwnants[ic modr.l m�y nol be [he ans:�er in all <br />.�, I< or tradi::.,,,,.'. a�,pFO„�h�.... nnc L�� muro appr�Priate in some . <br />communl[Les. !t daes nut seek Cu clCFfuse nr wi�ul�.en buC tPniilt.lonnl services, <br />unly streng[hen H�e recrea[ion m�d p�el: movemvnl. tLrough n�w nlll.ances, a <br />Jeepe.r unders[anding of the inCe�relntion u[ recrcal.ion and bumen service <br />and axks cecteat[on and purk people to fuc n hlE,her lrvcl of <br />conrciuuw�exs and demnnds a role in buildin��, a stronger Living r.nvironmenC <br />in our urbun ren[ers. <br />
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