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� DiefC A2 <br />NATIONAL RECREATION AND PARK ASSOCIATION Septembes 16� 1977 <br />Yage 1 <br />STAT�ML+NTS OF NATIONAL POLICY <br />Statements oE National Policy have becn authoxized by the NRPA. Board <br />of Trustees and the 1977 Congress Progcam Co�itcce. Through the leadez- <br />ship of V. Hap Smieh and his 1Yvstee Policy Co�ittee, the issue areas of <br />Human Servicee and Energy(Environmeat have be¢n eelected for diseussion <br />and action at the�1977 Las Vegas Congress. Jack Foley, Superintendent of <br />Re¢reation for Culver City, California serves as principal author for the <br />Itumao Setvices papers; Chriatian Nelson, Chi.ef of Parke and In[erpre*_a- <br />tion £os the East Bay Regional Yark District in California is priucipal <br />author £or the Energy/Environment Stateu�ent. � �� <br />�1t+o draFta vere developed prior to the Congress and critiqued. During <br />ihe Las Vegas Congz�eas, the following procese will be folloved: <br />Tuesday, October bth, 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon. Critlque by <br />experta. Delegates are invited to observe and patt3clpate. <br />- Human Servicea: 1lunes Hotel, Ruby Room � - � <br />- Enargy/Environment: Dunes Hotel, Sapphire Room <br />Wednesday, October Sth, 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM <br />Geaeral Seasion: I�M Grand Hotel, Ziegfield Room . <br />Delegate-adopted Sea[ements will be presented to the NRPA <br />Tcuateea for thei,r consideration and action on Friday, October 7th. <br />TITLE: Ruman Service Na[ional Policy Statements <br />AUTESOR: ,lack Foley � � <br />1. <br />2. <br />3. <br />4. <br />S. <br />6. <br />7. <br />8. <br />9. <br />10. <br />11. <br />12. <br />13. <br />14. <br />xs. <br />16. <br />17. <br />18. <br />Edieor's Note: The NRPA Board of Trus[ees Yolicy Commit[ee and the 1977 <br />Congsesa Progzam Planning Co�i[tee asked Sack Foley, Superintendent of <br />Recreat4on, GUlver City, Cal3fornia, to present a human service pe��spective <br />in the form�of NRPA Hum�n Service Policy Statements. The s[aCemenCe and <br />rationale are a compilation of various position papers and original state- <br />ments. Some of [he statements vere developed in earlier conferences; namely, <br />the 1975 Dallas Congresa, the 1976 Boston Congreas, and the 1977 California <br />and Pacific Southweat Park and Recreation Conference in Maheim, Ca] <br />Tha etatements-wera critiqued and prepared in consultation with a 50-pesaon <br />national co�ittee of lay and pcofessional critique committee in the pack <br />and recreation movement. The statements present a human service per.spective <br />and ase designed to identi£y major issues. � � <br />Aiatorically recrea[lon and park systems have managed signifi.cant eco^ <br />logical resourcea, parka, playgxounds, a[hletic fields, zaos, museums, <br />aquatie zeeources, golf couraea, auditoriums, and camp facilitiea. Our <br />literature cites the vir.tues of offering a balanced progcam of cultuxal, <br />athletic � end social activitiea; assessing leisure needs; and deaigning <br />attractive parks. Colleges trained recreation activity leader.^„ inl:erpretere, <br />ran��^�r��.. facility and resn��r�e manaP�rs. and our lelcle��lM1i,4� exC011ed the <br />vuiuna�of xecreation aetiviCy� ae�being intrinsically good�and justified <br />budgets that ptomiseJ to keep our young ofE tlie streets 2nd out. uk trouble. <br />In tAe 195U's and early 1960's, the economy was strong, energy abundant, <br />discretionary timx increased, school enrollments exploded, college recrex^ <br />tion and park programv grew, and park and recreatinn syserm^, expaneled. This <br />vas also a period vhen many leisure service advocates succeseEully so�ght <br />to legitimatize nnd pzofessionalize the histodc modcl. The•Sc <br />model, spurred by the writings of David Cray, Sy Crebert, .lim Murphy, and <br />o[hera, evolved during a pertod of rapid social cUange ahich, among other <br />developmen[s. eltered the w�sciousness of wamen, mivority groups, Lhr pooc. <br />the elderly, the handlcapped, an�i the young. <br />