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-2- <br />Blection of Eleccion of officers results: Coimnissioner Haake nominated <br />Officera Chairman, Wayne Butmeister; Vice Chairman, Gordon Fedor; <br />Secretary, Jacque Coplin. Commisaionet Weflen sewnded the � <br />mo[ion. The motion paesed. <br />6 Ayes <br />0 Nayes <br />City-Wide Nureery Director Anderson outlined the possibillty of a municipal <br />nusaery program, located i.n Remeey County at Poplar Lake. <br />The tree nursery would be federally fw�ded and maintained <br />by [he Tvin Citiee Tree Truat a private, non-proflt organi- <br />zaHon. <br />Upon di.scuasion, Co�tsaioner Haake oede a motion that the <br />rarica ann kecc�eaiion Co�ianiun .'ecu��ids to The City <br />CounMl t6at Mounds View particSpate in t6e Tw1n Citles <br />Tree Trus[ municipal nureery. Commisaioner Weflen seconded <br />the motion. The motion passed. 6 Ayes <br />0 Nayea <br />Gzaan£Sald Perk Folloving the update zeport on Greenfield Yark development, <br />Ballfield [he Co�iasion recommended that a anowfence be uaed as the <br />outfield fence on the baseball field. <br />Spring S Si�er In addition to the list of Spcing and Sumner park projecta, <br />Park Projecta three addltions were made; 1. Add the outfield fence at <br />Aillview Park, 2. Fill in any low areas on all ball fielda, <br />3. Look into the plans and/or yosaibilitiea for the City <br />Hall garden. t��-'� <br />Hetropolitan <br />Bicycle Syatem <br />Ylan <br />Spring Program <br />Director Anderson expressed the need for a lettex to Me[ro <br />Council from the Commiasion outlining [he need £or a Ctail- <br />way system in the City of Mounds View. <br />Co�lasioners reco�ended tha[ the trail fol.low Oaborne Road <br />to North[ocm and Coun[y Road I to Silver Lake Road and Spring <br />Lake Road as the basic corridore. Seccetary Coplin will <br />write thia letter of recommendation to the Metropolitan <br />Council on behalf of the Commisaion. <br />Program Supervlsor Kvalheim reviewed the Spring Yrogrem. <br />Toutnament S Pield Director Anderson preaented a preliminary policy for a <br />Rental Policy tournament and field rental policy. Upon discusaion, � <br />Commisaioner Haake made a motion Co survey other communities' <br />policiea in refezence to tournament and iield rental policias. <br />The preliminary policy recommendation vas tabled until after <br />the survey hae been completed and etudied. <br />Commiesioner Linke seconded the motion. The motion paeeed. <br />6 Ayee <br />0 Nayea <br />New Husineee Councilmember 2lebarth expressed the need for a laieon � <br />membar to sit on the Storm Sewer Project task force co�ittee. <br />Commiseioner ilaake nominated CNairpereon Burmeieter. <br />Coneoiexioner Fedor eeconded the motion. The motion paeeed. <br />6 Ayee <br />0 Nayee <br />