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Call to Order <br />Roll Call <br />Approval of <br />Minutea <br />Chairman's <br />Report <br />MINUTES OF THE PAOCEEDINGS OF THE �� <br />PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION <br />CITY ON MOUNDS VLEW <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF `.1_Tb"NESOTA <br />Regular Session <br />April 27, 1978 <br />Mounds ViEw Ci[y Hall � <br />Council Chambers, 6:30 p.m. � <br />The Mounda View Parks and Recreation Co�i.saion was called � <br />to order at 6:40 p.m, by Chairperaon Wayne Burmeiater. <br />�o�iasioners preaent - Chairpereon, Burmeiater; Co�i.eaionera <br />Haake, Kuluvar, Linke, Pedor and Coplin. <br />Councilmember present - Councilmember Ziebarth. <br />Staff present - Director Anderaon and Program Supervisor <br />Kvalheim. <br />Vieito=s present - Mr. Lamppa. <br />Co�iaeioner Fedor made a motion to approve the minutea. <br />Co�i.saioner Linke seconded the mo[ion. <br />The motion paesed. <br />6 Ayes <br />0 Nays <br />Chairman Surmeister repor[ed on the Storm Sewer Task Force <br />�etinga. Directar Anderson updated the Commission on the <br />recent moritorium on development. <br />Yieitor Mr. Lamppa expressed his aoncern £or the damage to hie <br />Preaentation back yard fence as a reeult of children climbing over it <br />to retrieve stray hockey pucka. Mr. Lamppa`s home borders <br />the Woodcrest Park boundary. Director Mderaon updated <br />the Commission with the site and expreeaed posaible conaider- <br />� � ations to the prnblem. Pencing diecuasion proceeded aith <br />budget considerations, policy and precedent of paet, preeent <br />and future, and park faciliCy site planning as relevant to <br />paric fencing problems. � <br />Commiasioner Haake made a motion to table the motion for <br />1 moneh upon further study into the metter. Commiseioner <br />Fedor seconded the motion. <br />The mo[ion passed. <br />6 Ayee <br />0 Naye <br />Staff agreed to look into the cost of p[r. Lamppa's :ence� <br />installation of the fence and legal responeibilitiea for <br />the placement of park fences. <br />Councilman's Councilman Ziebarth encouraged commisaion input on any vater <br />Report probleme in che parka. Director Anderson will make out a <br />report on this matter. It was reported that Direc[or <br />