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Memo to Mark -2- June 14, 1978 <br />6. Regiatration - Accuease - Th3s is a patertted PtoBiam reg4stration sys[em <br />that would increase our departments efficiency and in turn reduce our <br />clerical Cime. We would need 5 regis[ration boxes at a cost of $275.00 <br />and 5,000 regiatration slips at a cos[ of $150.00. <br />iGici C'v�.. ���/•�5.lI(1, <br />7. Adding machine wi[h [ape - We are presen[ly balancing our cash drawer <br />on a daily basis as well as keeping a variety of a[tendance and <br />financial records where a taped adding machine would be of gre8t assis- <br />tance ta double check our totals. <br />Coat: $175.00. <br />6. Three wheel truckster - We presen[ly have a grea[ need in [he summer to <br />transport small equipment, staff and snppliea around the City's paxka <br />W aCCOmplish our daily routine main[enance such as: <br />1. Field lining <br />2. Trimming <br />3. Wateriag of treea <br />4. Weeding <br />S. Miscellarteous errands <br />Ra[her than purchase a full size truck a three wheel iruckater would be <br />the ideal veh3cle. <br />CosC $3,000.00. � � <br />9. Sprayer - We presentiy have no meane to apxay our existing park lands for � <br />ei[her fertilizer or weed con[rol. The costa for hiring a private firm to <br />sptay our park lands is way tuo e�corbitant. <br />In order to make bes[ use of the sprayer we will need to send a park <br />maintenance man to achool so we have a licenaed sprayer on our etaff. <br />Caet: 91,500.00. <br />10. Park Vacuum - We are presently budgeting $700.00 each year for vacuuming <br />the City Park. If we were to purchase a park vacuum we could maintaln <br />the parks at a higher level and save money in the long run. <br />I would recommend that we purchase a used park vacuum rather then a <br />oew mechine. <br />Coat: $4,000.00. <br />11. Landacape Architect Fees <br />Silver View grading plan - $500.00 <br />Silver View siEe plan - $300.00 � ��� <br />Hillview Concept plan - $200.00 <br />Lembert sice plan - 5200.00 <br />Oakwood si[e plan - $200.00 �. <br />Gseenfield Environmental arca - $400.00 <br />