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l�MO T0: Parka and Recrea[ion Commiasionezs � � <br />PROM: Staff <br />ppTE: June 14, 1978 �. <br />RE: Major Capital Expenditurea for 1979 <br />AfCer reviewing our exieting equipmen[ irtventory and the present aeate of <br />development vlChin our park ayetem, I propose the foliowing capital expendi- <br />tutee be included in the 1979 Ci[y General Budget: <br />1. 24 Tape MaChlne - Thie would Le our number one priority in 1979 <br />ae we have experienced a high demand for relaying information on <br />recreation programe and facillties after normal businesa hours. <br />TI.Ia _ni.Ipn urnqlA ha qonA inr fhr fn11nW�.P.� n�qnOaQ9t <br />a. Not1£y teame of rain out gamea. <br />b. Inform reeidenta of [he City Hall hours. <br />c. Give specific program information for upcoming even[s. <br />d. Provide field or park locations for epecial events. <br />Coet: $400.00. <br />2. Trees for Municipal Nursery - The City has en[ered into a cooperative <br />egreement wlth 4 municipalitiea in an effoxt to operate and maintain <br />a municipal tree farm. The City Co�mcil has sanctioned this effort <br />and we purchesed 160 Crees in 1978 at a cost of $800.00. Becauee of <br />the mejor loaeea [he City hae suffered due [o Du[ch Hlm and Oak Wilt� <br />e[aff recommends an addi[ional 300 [reea be purchased in 1979. <br />Cost: $1,500.00. <br />3. Inter-therm heaters - IC has become apparen[ during our short stay in <br />the lower level of City Nall Cha[ we will be zequiring an additional <br />heat eource in our offices for [he winter of 1979. Staff recommende <br />the purchase of 3 intertherorvater operated base board hea[ing unita <br />at an indivldual coat of $150.00. <br />Coat: $450.00. <br />4. lbvie Yrojectoz - Because of the great demand we received in our Fall <br />movie pragram, we offered 12 vnvies and averaged over 90 youttia at <br />each show, we have expanded the movie ptogzam to a year round event. <br />We presently are borrowing a movie projector from a number of eourcee <br />Sncluding the librariea and achool diatrict. In addition [o our depar[- <br />mente use it would be available to other departments as well. <br />Cos[: $850.00. <br />5. Dieplay Board - The City presently has no portable dieplay board sys[em <br />that cen be ueed for relaying co�unity information to the residente. <br />The need for increased communications and public relations materiala <br />has continued to riee over the past years ae the Ci[y's eervices become <br />more diverse and e[aff time decreases. A porCable dieplay unit would <br />benefi[ all city departmen[s. _. <br />Coat: 5600.00. <br />