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MEMO T0: Parks and Recreation Commissioners <br />FROM: Staff <br />flATE: June 14, 1978 <br />RE: Major Capital Expenditures for 1979 <br />Af[er revieu�ing our exis[ing equipment inven[ory and the preaen[ etate of <br />development within our park syatem, I propose [he following capital expendi- <br />tures be included in [he 1979 City General Budget: <br />1. 24 Tape Machine - This would be our number one prlority in 1979 <br />as we have e�erienced a high demand for relaying information on <br />recreation programe and facilities after noxmal business hours. <br />This machine would be used for the following purpoaea: <br />a. No[ify [eame of rain out games. <br />b. Infoxm xesidents of the City Hall houra. <br />c. Give specif3c program information for upcoming evente. <br />d. Provide field or parl: locat3oas for special events. <br />Coat: $400.00. <br />2. Trees for Mimicipal Nursery - The City hae en[ered into a cooperative <br />agreemeat with 4 mwicipali[1ee in an effort to operate and maintain <br />a mimic3pal [ree farm. The City Co�mcil has sanctioned Chis effort <br />aad we purchased 160 Crees in 1978 a[ a cos[ of $800.00. Because of <br />the major losses the City has suffered due [o Du[ch Elm and Oak Wilt, <br />s[aff reco�ends an additional 300 trees be purchased in 1979. <br />Cost: $1,500.00. <br />3. I¢ter-therm hea[ers - It has become apparen[ during our ehort atay in <br />the lower level of City Hall [hat we will be requiring an addicional <br />heat source in our officea for the winter of 1979. Staff reco�ende <br />the purchase of 3 inter-thex�vater operated base board heating uni[s <br />at an individual cost of $150.00. <br />Cost: $450.00. <br />4. tbvie projector - Because of the grea[ demend we received in our Pall <br />movie program, ve offered 12 moviea and averaged over 90 youthe at <br />each ahow, we have expanded ehe movie pmgram to a year round even[. <br />We preaently are borrwing a movle projector from a number of sources <br />including [he libraries and achool diattict. In addition [o our depart- <br />ments uee it would be available to othez departmente ae well. <br />Cos[: $850.00. <br />5. Display Board - The City presently hae no portable dieplay board eyetem <br />that can be ueed for relaying co�unity information to the reeidents. <br />The need for increased �ommunicatlons and public relationa materiale <br />has continued to riee over the paet years ae the City'e eervicee become <br />morn dlveree and etafF time decreaees. A portable dieplay unit would <br />benefit all city departments. <br />Coet: 5600.00. <br />