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MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF TkiE <br />PARKS AND RECREATION COFPRSSION <br />rr�ry nF *inpvnc �r:a_?q <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MZNNESOTA <br />Regular Session <br />May 25, 1978 <br />Mounds Vlew Ci[y Rall <br />Councll CFambers-6:30 p.m. <br />Call [o Order The Moimds View Parks and Recreation Commisslon was called <br />[o oidec at 6:42 p.m. by Chairperson Wayne Burmeister. <br />Roll Call Commiasioners present - Chairperson Hurmeister, Commisaloners <br />Cop1Sn, Fedor, Kulwar, Linke and Weflen. <br />Councilmember present - Councilmember Ziebarth. <br />Staff present - Direc[or Bruce Anderson and Program <br />Superviaor Mary Kvalheim. <br />Appmval of Coffiiasioner Coplin made a mo[ion [o approve [he mina[es <br />Minu[ee Mo[ion was aeconded by Commissloner Linke. The mo[1on passed. <br />6 Ayea <br />0 Nays <br />Chairman's Repor[ Chairman Burmeis[er repor[ed on [he S[orm Sewer Task Force <br />une[ings. <br />Councilman's Councilman Ziebar[h acknowledged [he Festivi[ies Co�i[tee <br />Repor[ and organization and implemen[a[ion of the Festival in the <br />Pazk celebraCion. Acknowledgemen[ was given to the Pari: - <br />Water Repor[ as prepared hy Direc[or Anderaon. <br />VieStare Report No visi[ars were presen[. <br />Fencing Policy Director Mderson reviewed [he repox[ on park fencing. Upon <br />discuesion, Chairman Burmeis[er made [he motion not to <br />replace Mr. Lau�pa's fence, but to aid in the maintenence <br />of Mr. Lamppa's present fence, elnce present plane [o <br />remove the rink and to fence the �pper boarde are acheduled <br />for [he future. Commissioner Linke seronded the motion. <br />The motion passed. 6 Ayes <br />0 Nays <br />Park Shel[er Direc[or Andereon reviewed the Park Shelter Huilding repor[. <br />Huildings Chairpereon Burmeieter acknowledged the poor condition of <br />[he Croveland pazk ehelter. Commiasioner Fedor made a motion <br />[o repair and pain[ [he present ahelter buildings, �mder tAe <br />labor of the eummer C.E.T.A. youth employeee. In addiCion, <br />the Crovelend perk ehel[er ie to 6e removed from Graveland <br />Park. Commieeioner Weflen eeconded the mo[ion. The motion <br />paesed. 6 Ayes <br />0 Neye <br />� <br />