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-Z- <br />Task Force A park shel[er building [ask Force is m be es[ablished <br />before the 1978-79 skating season. Commisaioners will <br />acquire communi[y wlun[eers to serve on [he [ask force. <br />Each neighborhood park area should be represented. <br />Commissioners are responsible for identlfying wlunteers: <br />Lambert Park - Commissioner Weflen <br />Oakwood Park - Commissioner Fedor <br />Groveland Park - Commiasioner Kuluvar <br />Greenfield Park - Co�issioner Linke <br />Hillview Park - Chairperson Burmeis[er <br />Woodcrest Park - Commissioner Coplin <br />Co�i.saioner Linke will represent [he Park and Recrea[ion <br />Commission. <br />Silver View Park Director Mderson updated information of the acquisition and <br />developmen[ of Silvec View Park. The Lawcon gran[ money ia <br />s[ill being awai[ed. <br />Farmer's efarket Director Mderson repor[ed on [he proposed Farmer's Mazke[. <br />Chairperson Burmeis[er gave a posi[ive approval along wi[h <br />approval and acknowledgement to City Foresrer Sack Shielda' <br />weekly colu� in [he New Brighton Bulle[in en[itled, °Jack's <br />Jo[tings". <br />Comuunity Educa- Uirector Mderson reported and reviewed [he 1978 Commimity <br />[ion Conference Educa[ion Conference. Many various poin[s were discuased. <br />Aepor[ <br />Edgewood Jr. High Director Mderson reviewed and repot[ed the Edgewood Sr. High <br />School Proposal School ou[doors developmen[ proposal. Co�issioner Coplin <br />made a mo[ion to apprwe and accep[ the propoeal. Chair- <br />person Burmeis[er seconded the mo[ion. The mo[ion passed. <br />Commissioner's <br />Repor[ <br />Scaff Repor[ <br />Adjournment <br />6 Ayes <br />0 Nays <br />Chairperson Burmeis[er repor[ed [ha[ co�ents of Groveland <br />Park neighbors concerns of a ahort dis[ance outfield and <br />theiT reqves[ for tennis courts. <br />Commisaioner Linke reported [ha[ the Lakeside Co�iasion <br />requested take-over of the park by Ramsey County. Co�issioner <br />Fedor co�ented on [he erosion at Greenfield Park. <br />Direc[or Mderaon repor[ed on [he dandelion apraying program. <br />A future s[aff repor[ will be provided on [urf ea[ablishment <br />in the parks. <br />Commiseioner Fedor made a motion to adjourn [he meeting. <br />Co�iesionez Capllu seconded [he motion. The ontion pasaed. <br />Meeting adjourned a[ 5:50 p.m. <br />Ayes <br />Nays <br />