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Call to Order <br />Roll Call <br />FffNUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE <br />PARKS AND RECREATION WMMISSION <br />CITY OF PIO�NDS VIEW <br />COIINTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />Regular Session <br />May 25� 19)8 <br />lbunds View City Hall <br />Council Chambera-6:30 p.m. <br />The Mounds View Parks and Recreation Commtasion was cailed <br />W order at 6:42 p.m. by Chairpereon Wayne Hurmeieter. <br />Commiesioners present - Chairperson Burmeiater� Commisaionera <br />Coplin� Fedor, Kuluvac, Linke and Weflen. <br />tnuncilmember present - Co�cilmember 2lebarth. <br />Staff present - Director Hruce Anderson artd Program <br />Supervisor Mary ICvalheim. <br />Appmval of Commissioner Coplin made a mo[ion to approve the mt¢utea <br />Minu[es Motion was seeonded by Commissioner Linke. The tmtion passed. <br />6 Ayes <br />0 Naye <br />piairman'e Report Chairman Burmeister reported on [he Storm Sewer Taek Force <br />meetirtgs. <br />Co�mcilman's <br />Repor[ <br />Visitors Report <br />Councilman Ziebar[h acknowledged [he Festivities Co�it[e¢ <br />and organization and implementation of the Fea[ival in the <br />Park celebration. Acknowledgement wae given [o the Yark - <br />Watez Repor[ as prepared by Direc[or Mderson. <br />No visitora were present. <br />Fencing Policy Director Mderson reviewed the report on park fencing. Upon <br />discussion, Chairman Burmeie[er mede the motion not ro � <br />replace Mr. Leuq+pa's fence, but to aid in the mainteoance <br />of Mr. Laoq+pa'e present fence, eince preeent plane to � <br />rnmove the rink and to fence the upper boarde are echaduled <br />for the future. Commiasioner Linke seconded [he motion. <br />The motion passed. 6 Ayea <br />0 Nays <br />Park Shelter Director Anderson reviewed the Park Shelter Building report. <br />Buildinga Chairperaon Burmeister ecknowledged the poor condition of <br />the Groveland park shelter. Commissioner Fedor made e motion <br />ro rnpair and paine the preeent ehelter buildinqa, under the <br />lebor of the eummer C.E.T.A. youch employeee. in eddition, <br />the Groveland patk shelter ia to be zemoved froq Gmvelend <br />Park. Commiaeioner Weflen seconded the motion. The auCion <br />paeeed. � 6 Ayes � � � <br />0 Naye <br />