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s� <br />Taek Force A park shelter building task force is to be eatabliahed <br />before the 1978-79 akating season. Commissionere w111 <br />acquire community wlunteers to serve on the task force. �'. <br />Each neighborhoad park area should be represented. <br />Commieaioners are reaponsible for iden[ifying wlun[eera: <br />Lambert Park - Commisaioner Weflen <br />Oakwood Park - Commisaioner Fedor <br />Croveland Park - Commissioner Kuluvar <br />Greenfield Park - Co�nisaioner Linke <br />niiiview 'raric - Gnairpersan Burmeister <br />Woodcrest Park - Commissioner Coplin <br />Commissioner Linke will represent the Park and Recreation <br />Cocmtssion. <br />Silver View Park Dirnctor Anderson upda[ed information of [he acquisition and <br />developmen[ of Silver View Park. The Lavcon gran[ money is <br />atill being awaited. <br />Parmer's Market Director Andereon reported on the proposed Farmer�s Market. <br />Chairperson Burmeister gave a positive approval along with <br />approval and acknowledgement Co City Forester 7ack Shielde' <br />weekly column in [he New Brighton Bulle[in entitled� "Jack's <br />Jo[tings". <br />Community 8duca- � Director Mderson reported and reviewed the 1978 Community <br />tion Conferertce Educa[ion Conference. Many various points were discuesed. <br />Repor[ <br />Edgewood Sr. High Director Anderson reviewed and reported the Edgewod Jr. High <br />School Proposal School outdoors development proposal. Co�issioner Coplin <br />made a motion [o approve and accept [he pmposal. Chair- <br />pereon Burmeis[er seconded [he motion. The motion pasaed. <br />Commtesioner'e <br />Report <br />Staff Repor[ <br />Adjournmertt <br />6 Ayes <br />0 Nays <br />Chairperson Bucmeister reported that com�cents of Croveland <br />Park neighbora concerna of a short distance outfield and <br />their reques[ for [ennis courte. <br />Commissioner Linke reported that the Lakeaide Co�ission <br />requested take-over of ehe park by Ramsey County. Commisaioner <br />Fedor commented on the eroeion at Czeenfield Park. <br />Director Mderson reported on the dandelion spraying pmgram. <br />A future etaff report will be provided on turf establiehment <br />in the parks. <br />Commtesioner Fedor made a motion to adjourn Ghe meeting. <br />Commtseioner Coplin seconded the motion. The motion pasaed. <br />Meeting adfourned at 8:50 p,m. <br />6 Ayes <br />0 Nays <br />� <br />