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r�r� T0: Siuce I.{�� <br />FROM: Jack �U�� <br />DATE: June 19, 1978 <br />RE: Faa'mer's Market (Garden Goodies) <br />�"". <br />I feel our basic fimction in the operation of the Fa[mer's Market should be <br />ffinimal. We make the arrangement for i[ [o occut, locate an approptia[e site, <br />and advertise 3[s occurrance. A1[hough i[ should be a self-run operation I <br />feel that we should keep a check on who are selling produce. I envisualize <br />i[ will be done having them sign a roster and listing their addxess. <br />From [hen on they would check off their name each week, and a new sellex would <br />eign in. This I would anticipate would [ake an hour. The morning following <br />the market we would have [o check to make certain the area had been c2�zaned up. <br />Each seller would reeeive on his initial participa[ion a le[ter from us welcov�ing <br />his participation and listing ossr requirements (minimal). <br />17ie initial idea of the market was that it caould be free to anyone who wiahed <br />to par[icipate either as a seller or a buyer. I do not think we should exclude <br />ttuck farm operations because these would be the mvst likely sellers who could <br />supply vegetables in sufficient quantities for home canners and likely the <br />only one who could supply certain vegetables in any amount, e.g., Hubbard Squash, <br />corn; likewise fruits, e.g., apples. <br />I[alked [o Joe Pe[erson today, who is familiar with most local operations of <br />this [ype. No one locally, except St. Paul and Minneapolis, chaxge a stall <br />£ee and they have a market master. Joe did not feel we should be wncexned .. <br />abou[ large [ruck farm operations because they would not be interes[ed in this <br />type of operation. Small farm opera[ions would probably par[icipate, but crould <br />complement the local sellers. There has no[ been any trouble with Dad produce. <br />In one case, a seller was selling radishes at 3 bunches fox a quarter because � <br />same c�ere infected with zadish maggots, but the seller was telling [he buyers <br />of the situation. The price alone should have been enough of a hint. <br />A[tached is a preliminary dzaft of the letter I thought we would hand out to <br />new sellexs. Pexhapa we should add something on what cannot be sold, e.g.� <br />handicraf[ items. Joe said he will be sending me one which has been used at [he <br />Maplewood operation. <br />I discussed the day of [he week with him and he told me Thurcday would be a good <br />day, to which I agreed. It would allow home canning of the putchases without <br />in[erfering with weekend opera[ion. 7oe suggeats 7uly 13th as the firet day. <br />4ra°� <br />